While Justice Sleeps - October CC Book Club Discussion

Neither of my two local libraries has Lois the Witch.

@VeryHappy, it’s available free online. Here are a couple choices:




You can have it read aloud to you here: Stream Lois the Witch, and Other Gothic Tales by Elizabeth Gaskell, read by Gabrielle de Cuir from Skyboat Audiobooks | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

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Ah, thanks.

@AnAsmom: Oh my gosh, I think you are my reading doppelgÀnger.

I like The Weight of Ink more than you do, I think, but I’m partial to books set in that time period

Middlemarch: Not so sure about it at first and then “hooked”.

Heaven, my Home: Read the first in that series Bluebird, Bluebird but haven’t made it to this one yet.

The Witness for the Dead: Reread The Goblin Emperor and followed with this one. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Assassin’s Apprentice: A strong yes from me. Went on to Royal Assassin and Assassin’s Quest and then The Liveship Traders series. Love Robin Hobb. You’ve got some good reading ahead of you.

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I am currently reading “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah. I am about 25% into it, and am really enjoying it. Lately, I have discovered Sue Grafton. (I know, I am very behind in reading what is popular.) I finished E and would like to get the F book, but our library is closed because of Covid, and isn’t even allowing books to be checked out and left at the door. (The librarians do nothing all day, but collect a pay check. It is ridiculous. The other small libraries in our system are open, so I could get them there, but my stack is too tall. I will read them later)

I did read “The Lost Man” by Jane Harper. We read “The Dry” in the book club and I really liked it. I have also read “Force of Nature” by her and I also liked it. Her newest book “The Survivors” will be next for me. I really love her books.

I also read “Rules of Civility” by Amor Towles. I loved it, but loved “Gentleman in Moscow” more.


Yeah, Gentleman in Moscow was definitely the best book I read the year I read it, and probably on my top ten of all time. Rules of Civility was good, but didn’t gram me the same way. I do intend to read the new one.


I just finished The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared by Jonas Jonasson. Light and amusing, and filled with historical references. Very cute.

Also finished A Children’s Bible by Lydia Millet which was intriguing and thought-provoking.

I may have mentioned this one already, but I loved The Last Flight by Julie Clark. A real page-turner.

I’m reading Spook by Mary Roach. I love her books – her writing is hysterical – but I might not finish this one. Her other books are, IMO, much better – specifically Stiff, Gulp and Bonk. (Those are three separate books.)

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My daughter picked up A Children’s Bible when we were at a bookstore a few weeks ago, read the back, handed it to me and said, “This sounds like you, Mom.” So of course I bought it. Haven’t read it yet, but glad to hear the good review.

Well, duh.

A Children’s Bible - genre: apocalyptic fiction. Need I say more?

Who knew there could be so many different ways for the world to end? :earth_americas: :fire:

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Don’t forget :earth_africa: :ice_cube: !

Just saw this 


Huh – I hadn’t thought of it as apocalyptic fiction but now that you mention it . . . .

But I preferred Leave the World Behind, in that genre. Really really good.

Leave the World Behind was great – a very unusual take on the genre.

I’m way late to the discussion; read While Justice Sleeps in September and then forgot about it. (Haven’t been on CC much except for book group these days.)

I am in awe of Stacy Abrams’ intellect and varied talents, even tho I didn’t follow every twist and turn of the plot.

Has anyone else thought of this? “A Very Keen” law clerk. Indeed she was.


@Mary13 “Caste” was a selection for my Books on the Beach group this summer. I started it, and then realized I couldn’t make the meeting. I haven’t gone back to finish it, but feel I should. I guess what’s making it harder to get through is I feel as if I’m being lectured at non-stop. I did really enjoy/learn a lot from Wilkerson’s book, “The Warmth of Other Suns.”

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@jollymama OMG! I missed that one completely!!


Here you go: Lois the Witch and A Christmas Carol - December CC Book Club Selection


Weirdly enough, I’m currently reading Jane Eyre and she mentions being in the wrong caste several times. It’s quite disconcerting!

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Heads up! Sharks in the Time of Saviors by Kawai Strong Washburn–a book that has appeared on our selection list over the last couple of rounds–is a Kindle special today for $1.99. :shark:


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