While living at East Edge

<li><p>Did you purchase a commuter parking pass? Was it worth it? DS will be spending most of his on-campus hours at Bidgood/Alston/Rec Ctr and we are trying to decide if a parking pass is worth the investment.</p></li>
<li><p>Is it practical to walk to Burke for a couple of meals a week? DS doesn’t have mad kitchen skills, so I’m wondering if a couple of trips to Burke each week is a realistic way to get a decent meal.</p></li>

<p>Any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!</p>

<p>My son lived at East Edge this past year, spent most of his on-campus hours at the same venues cited above, had a car beginning in October, and did not buy or need a parking pass. He both cooked for himself and dined out, but I don’t think he ate at Burke often, if at all.</p>

<p>He too didn’t have mad cooking skills, but necessity being the mother of invention, he was forced to pick them up and ended up eating healthier as a result. In fact, he picked up 25 pounds of muscle last year. We hardly recognized the buff dude who showed up at HNL this summer. :)</p>

<p>malanai, maybe I should introduce my son to yours! He is a string bean (i.e. he looks like he doesn’t have mad cooking skills)!</p>

<p>Yeah, my boy went from skinny to buff in about four months. He and one of his roommates went on a high protein diet and intense, structured weight training program. They motivated one another and got results. They’re still at it.</p>

<p>Nothing like teamwork, eh?</p>

<p>My son also lived at East Edge last year. He did not have a commuter pass. He rode his bike, took the shuttle or walked. He did some cooking, but also ate at Burke and Bryant with some stops at the Ferg mixed in. He is an engineering student.</p>

<p>More questions…
Is East Edge a quiet place in general…or prone to a more party atmosphere…or is there a mixture of both types of tenants? How loud is the train that goes right behind the property and how often does it pass through - does anyone have trouble sleeping with that train noise? How often does the shuttle run to/fro campus and where does it stop/pick up on campus? If walking, how long does your eng’g student take to get to the NE side of UA campus? Thank you!</p>

<p>My son also was at East Edge last year and is still there this summer. No commuter parking pass (no car for that matter). He mostly rides his bike to and from campus, and most of his time is spent down in the Science/Engr. quad. Sometimes he takes the bus when the weather is bad, but more often just toughs out the weather on his bike. I don’t know exactly how long it takes him to get to the Science/Engr. quad, but my impression is that its a pretty quick ride even when the campus is busy.</p>

<p>He has never complained about noise or trains or a party atmosphere.</p>

<p>aeromom- My son is not home now but I can echo what randomparent wrote. My son never complained about noise or the train. While he did have a car at school, he only used it for Walmart etc. He mostly rode his bike or took the shuttle if it was really raining. I am under the impression it was a pretty quick ride.</p>

<p>I’ll talk to him when he gets home. East Edge worked great for him because it was close to the marching band practice field. And in my house, that trumps just about anything else:)</p>

<p>So… apparently, having a bike is a plus. Although he probably wouldn’t use it if he had a parking pass. But he probably wouldn’t need a parking pass if he had a bike. Aaargh! :/</p>

<p>SECfam - I think the lot for the commuters is not that much closer than EE itself. That’s what makes EE a desirable community because it is basically on the edge of campus.</p>

<p>aeromom- I forgot to talk to my son last night. Now he’s gone off to work again.</p>