White Hispanic

Hey guys! A couple of days ago, I logged into my UMichigan account to view my application status and noticed something a little odd I guess. Under ethnicity, I am listed as Hispanic/Latino, which is correct (I’m Argentinian). However, right below it lists my race as White (also correct) followed by “Not of Hispanic Origins”. How does that make any sense? Doesn’t that information contradict each other? On my Common Application, I listed I was Hispanic, White, and my White background originates from Europe, seeing as my older ancestors moved from Spain/Italy to Argentina. I’m concerned the information is gonna conflict with my admissions. Should I be worried? I know ethnicity information isn’t required, but I don’t want UMichigan (or any school for that matter) to view my application and be confused. Any comment helps! Thanks! :slight_smile:

If your ancestors moved from Spain to Argentina that would still make you of Hispanic ethnicity and “race”. In the US being “white” means you don’t identify with a minority racial group. It’s a little confusing - my husband is from the Middle East and is still considered “white” - it helps if you understand the history of immigration and discrimination in our nation’s history. As a foreign student your answers likely have no bearing on your chances for admission. I would leave it alone, you made the answers that made best sense to you when you applied.

@CaMom13 Thank you! I’m not actually a foreign student haha I was born in the U.S. but my parents are from Argentina. I appreciate the answer! :slight_smile:

This is not a deal-breaker.

Some public schools are not allowed to use ethnicity as the basis for admission. U of M is a public school. Have you checked their policies?
(EX: the UC’s are not allowed to use ethnicity for admission; it is illegal in the state.)