WhiteyBoards for Dorm Rooms

<p>Anybody have any experience or input on WhiteyBoards? My son is apparently channeling ‘Sheldon’ this fall, and has decided he wants only a white board on his bedroom wall. With only four tiny nails to brainstorm with, I quickly found these peel on/off whiteboard skins that GUARANTEE no damage to any type of wall surface. He doesn’t care if the wall is textured and it may be a little more difficult to write on so that’s not a problem. They claim you can only move it several times before it loses it’s stick, so I am encouraged that is a very mild adhesive. Comments anyone?</p>

<p>We got one of these. Supposed to be thicker and better but no idea if that’s true or not.</p>

<p>[Shop</a> Incrediline Dry Erase Decals](<a href=“http://incrediline.com/shop]Shop”>http://incrediline.com/shop)</p>

<p>I have tried some of these products on my walls at home (no damage)</p>

<p>[Dry</a> Erase Wall Covering](<a href=“http://mywhiteboards.com/polritdryerw.html]Dry”>Opti-Rite Dry Erase Wallpaper | Peel and Stick Dry Erase Wall)</p>

<p>Make sure to purchase the self stick variety, there are some products on the website that need to applied with adhesives.</p>

<p>FYI the kids also use the windows and refrigerators to write on. my kids windows and the windows of the study room were covered with calculus, and organic chemistry!!! : )</p>

<p>we had a “removable” write on board this year that took the paint off when we removed it! heating it with a hair dryer helps with removal.</p>

<p>“Whiteyboards”??? Is this some type of reverse racism from the blackboard contingent? Can’t we just call them chalkboards and end the hatred.</p>

<p>They also come in non-offensive transparent sheets as well, if that helps your angst, casinoexec.</p>

<p>Misogyny is perfectly acceptable since it’s such a fun word to say.</p>

<p>Again, one step ahead, casino. </p>

<p>I always thought ‘languid’ was a fun word, too.</p>



<p>Easy there, casino. I know the Flyers tanked, but it’s all “g,” my friend. WhiteyBoards are dry erase boards. No chalk, Jayhawk. :)</p>

<p>BTW, verisimilitude and onomatopoeia are fun to say as well, but I digress. </p>

<p>And remember, if you practice misogyny, you may end with no progeny. Just sayin’. ;)</p>

<p>I’ve had a couple roommates put up small white boards outside their doors for messages and didn’t see them used much. What your son seems to want is a large board inside his room, which would be possible. I’m picturing the desk and dresser up against a wall with a white board leaning on top like a mirror. While not what he may be looking for, an easel would also work and not take up much space, especially if he could store laundry or something else underneath it.</p>

<p>If he does purchase a white board remember to purchase white board cleaner for the dry erase markers and rubbing alcohol (or vodka) in case he accidentally uses a permanent marker. </p>

<p>Random fact that casinoexec likely knows: Big Al’s eyes are cleaned with vodka.</p>



<p>I don’t often clean my eyes with vodka, but when I do I prefer Aristocrat. Wash cheaply my friends.</p>

<p><a href=“http://antirider.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/DSC02362.jpg[/url]”>http://antirider.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/DSC02362.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Too funny!! Note to self: don’t drink tea while reading these posts!!</p>

<p>Noooo, I am pretty sure that they use Bama Vodka:
[Bama</a> Vodka |](<a href=“http://bamavodka.com/]Bama”>http://bamavodka.com/)</p>

<p>Picked some up on my last trip to T-Town…Big Al’ recommended it!</p>

<p>Now I agree, robotbldmom, that Big Al, sophisticate that he is, recommends BAMA Vodka for drinking. After all:</p>



<p>But when the party gets a little out of control and the toast, “Here’s mud in your eye” turns literal, Big Al knows when to turn value conscious and pour himself an ocular splash of Aristocrat. </p>

<p>At <$3.00 for a 200ml dose and a rot gut aftertaste indistinguishable from Visine (>$26.00/200 ml), is it any wonder that it’s Alabama’s #1 selling vodka?</p>

<p>Whiteboards, no chance of that for S. Now we are looking to purchase one of the sonic boom alarms that shake the bed. I would also prefer one that delivers a mild shock since he actually has classes before noon next semester.</p>

<p>Idinct, I have been researching ‘clocky’(the alarm clock that runs away from you), ‘sonic bomb’ (jackhammer loud) and flying alarm clocks for my boy. If you indeed find any that administer electric shocks, cold showers, whacks in the head with sticks, etc., please PM me. His current method consists of sleeping through three alarms until we run upstairs and yell at him.</p>

<p>Malanai: Just too funny, always an enjoyable read… :)</p>

<p>NRDMOM: You might try the “MOMCLOCK”: that is when a parent (either) calls incessantly leaving annoying wakeup messages, till the uber groggy student growls “Whaaat” into the phone, hangs up and immediately falls back asleep. This process goes on until the child can stand and walk into the shower. It may take several mornings (weeks) till the first response is “okay, I am already up”…just a little training suggestion (lol).</p>

<p>My younger son has a white board on the fridge so that he and his roomies can write what they need to get at the market. His roomies (except for one) are all high school friends so they’re quite close and truly share costs for grocery/misc items. They do a big Sams Club run every couple of weeks to stock up on TP, paper towels, frozen foods, etc. </p>

<p>BTW…you can add your child to your Sams membership for very cheap…like $13 a year. Worth it.</p>

<p>D had an erasable white board & white board calendar similar to the whiteyboard (the name of which I will admit gave me pause before I clicked on the thread :wink: her freshman year, but she didn’t care for them. Since they were on the cinder block walls, when she wrote on them it was grainy. This year she got a traditional white board. She uses it all the time & has one at home too. Very helpful for those with ADHD ;)</p>