Who are the residence deputies and do they have this all knowing knowledge?

<p>Ok guys, i am an out of stater, and here is my story. During winter break, i went back to Las Vegas to stay with my friends, and i have a permanent home address in CA. i just realized that this might be real bad if the residence deputy knows about this. But the optimistic side of me tells me that they wouldnt know, only god knows. So… Just making sho, do the residence deputy have this CIA like database where they can and will even check the air plane tickets that were registered under my name. or am i just worrying too much. O.o</p>

<p>bump, comments, opinions and suggestions would be really helpful</p>

<p>If you’ve established residency in California according to the UC guidelines, then I don’t think just flying to Nevada for winter break is going to jeopardize that.</p>

<p>From UCSB’s site on residency ([Establishing</a> California Residence for Tuition Purposes, Office of the Registrar](<a href=“404 - Page Not Found”>404 - Page Not Found)):</p>



<p>In short, if you met the guidelines before your trip to Las Vegas (which I don’t think is significant, as it concerns your residency), then you should be fine now.</p>