Who goes to Hampshire?

<p>I have heard very mixed things about Hampshire but it seemed interesting and like a good safety school. Is it just flakes and druggies or can serious students fit in?</p>

<p>I am guessing from your question that you are a parent. I am the parent of a second year Hampshire student. I will answer your specific questions, based upon our experience and give you some general impressions.</p>

<p>Drug use at Hampshire is comparable to other Liberal Arts Colleges with which I am familiar. No more, no less. Hampshire students are not flakes. They are similar to students at comparable Liberal Arts Colleges (Reed, Bard, Oberlin etc). Not only can serious students fit in I would say that they are the rule at Hampshire (at least those that make it past the first year).</p>

<p>Hampshire is an unconventional school that attracts a particular type of student. That is, a student who is passionate about their work and the collaboration that they enter into with their professors and fellow students. Because of the curriculum students must be motivated and self directed. It is a non conformist, decidedly left leaning student body and it is not for everyone. But for the right student it is exceptional (witness the fact that over 50% obtain advanced degrees).</p>

<p>An added bonus is the Five College Consortium whereby Hampshire students can take classes for credit at Amherst, Mount Holyoke, Smith and UMass/Amherst. Free buses shuttle students between the campuses. </p>

<p>My daughter attended a well known boarding school prior to Hampshire. She did very well but came away wanting something different. Something where the work was what mattered not the grade. Someplace where the curriculum was less structured but the classes seemed to have real meaning. She has thrived at Hampshire.</p>

<p>That is what I hoped. My daughter is at a large performing arts program and wants to continue in college, I thought Hampshire's looked great and fit her left leaning tendencies and love of learning.</p>