Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

My friend and I got back from Quebec City yesterday evening. This morning she had mild symptoms and tested positive. We were together 24/7 and even shared a bed in the B&B, so I imagine I will get it. It’s my friend’s first time. She must have gotten it in a restaurant because otherwise we were outdoors a lot.

Crossing fingers for you. I got Covid either at my college reunion or my Aunt’s memorial, but so far DH is fine. We haven’t bothered to stay separated and he was with me for both events, though not always talking to the same people. He got re-boosted a few weeks ago which may have made a difference.

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The VRBPAC meeting on the 15th will consider strains for the next vaccine in the US. Candidates are XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16, and XBB.2.3 for a monovalent vaccine.


Medscape: Can Wearing an N95 Mask Cause Cardiopulmonary Overload?
In a new study, Chinese researchers conclude that wearing an N95 mask for a prolonged period could affect physiologic and biochemical parameters.

The authors report that the effect was primarily initiated by increased respiratory resistance and subsequent decreased blood oxygen and pH, which contributed to sympathoadrenal system activation and epinephrine as well as norepinephrine secretion elevation, and a compensatory increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

“Although healthy individuals can compensate for this cardiopulmonary overload, other populations, such as elderly individuals, children, and those with cardiopulmonary diseases, may experience compromised compensation,” they write.

The study is reported in a Research Letter to JAMA Network Open published online June 9.

Remainder of article:

I still haven’t gotten COVID and am wondering whether to get the latest shot for the 2nd time. My daughter, who rides crowded subways in NYC (masked) hasn’t gotten it either.


The page at Evaluation of Mask-Induced Cardiopulmonary Stress: A Randomized Crossover Trial | Cardiology | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network mentions that the N95 mask was a 3M 9132 mask, but that model does not appear to be in Aaron Collins’ mask ratings (which include testing for airflow as well as filtration).

Mask with good airflow (as well as good filtration) would avoid or reduce the issue mentioned, as well as be more comfortable.


Still no symptoms and it’s been 9 days since I was exposed.

ETA:. My friend said she feels better but she’s still coughing and is tired. Fortunately she’s retired so she doesn’t have to worry about work.


After 3 years of escaping COVID, my daughter and I tested positive today. And then my other daughter (who has had it at least once) tested positive. Husband is still negative, he did have it exactly a year ago. I am headed to France in a week with younger daughter and really hope I’m better by then. Feel quite sick now.

With our house’s recent (and first!) Covid outbreak 5/7 of us got sick: husband (first), me, S23, my 71- yo mom, and finally 10 yo son.

I’m the only one who has lingering symptoms (also the only one to take Paxlovid), maybe I have lingering symptoms because I am overweight? I have pretty consistent breathing problems for now, I think asthma-like. I have fits where my lungs feel tight, and I wheeze & cough, and the more I try to breathe the more tight my lungs feel. I also get tired pretty easily.

S24 was heavily exposed to both my husband and S23 when each was in the very contagious pre-/early-symptom time and he didn’t get it at all. Neither did 14 yo son, who had somewhat less exposure. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I wear a kf94 when I’m indoors in crowds. It’s rated as highly breathable by Aaron Collins and what he wears at his workplace.

I have very low lung function and have worn these masks extensively, especially when traveling.

So far H and I and our kids have remained covid-free.


New versions for an XBB variant may become available in a few months. If you want to get a second BA.5 + ancestral shot, consider whether any recommended interval between shots could affect timing of getting the XBB shot.


We got our 1st bivalent shot 9/19/2022 so we’re happy to get a 2nd bivalent shot shortly after it was approved. I may have helped protect us on our trips to Japan, Denver & NYC. We are both very high risk, due to being >65, plus we both have lung conditions.

@ucbalumnus of course the interval between a 2nd bivalent and the next version is a factor. In fact I prefer 6 months to 4 months and that is one reason I am hesitating. But I have a new diagnosis of scleroderma and have a ton of medical appointments and now that medical facilities are not masked, feel nervous in the present. My main concern is immune exhaustion or imprinting, and my doc says “we just don’t know.” It is new territory.

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And their methodology has been questioned: https://www.medpagetoday.com/publichealthpolicy/publichealth/104927

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I understand. I got my 2nd bivalent at the end of May, but only because I had some medical appointments and H was going to be in a risky situation. Another reason is that I wanted enough time before the new monovalent booster comes out. That would probably be a minimum of 4 months (for non-immunocompromised people). I would prefer it be closer to 6 months, also. I’ll have to see what is going on around that time virus-wise.

The imprinting issue is one reason why some of the FDA advisory panel that met last week did not want boosters for all. However, there is some thought (which will have to be borne out by study, of course) that the monovalent booster will decrease the imprinting effect. And I’m also wondering if Novavax (using a different technology) might also decrease or eliminate the imprinting effect. I am very interested in my next booster being Novavax.

What if you’re feeling better (or mostly better), yet still test positive? Will you still go? And, if so, will you mask everywhere until you test negative?

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It’s possible to test mildly positive for months. The current recommendations are to quarantine for 5 days then mask for an additional 5 days.
I work in healthcare and we can return to work day 6 (without a negative test) as long as the symptoms are improving.
Shawk might be ok to go to france


That is known to be the case with PCR testing, but rapid antigen testing tends to stop being positive around the time that you stop being contagious.

Even mild cases can keep giving dark lines on rapid antigen tests for more than 5 or 10 days.


My current plan is to stay home through day 5 and then mask for an additional 5 days



I will add that you may or may not feel better. I went back to work on day 7 and couldn’t finish the day. I ended up being pretty sick and missed 5 weeks.