Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

There seems to be a wave of COVID-19 infections this summer… although hospitalizations seem to be up by much less than infections.

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New variants are displacing XBB.1.5 already. The virus changes faster than we can make vaccines for it. However, the upcoming XBB.1.5 vaccines should be closer to the emerging variants than the previous vaccines (ancestral and BA.5) are.

But kids may be going back to school and sharing virus before the XBB.1.5 vaccines are available.

Looks like my husband and I managed to avoid getting COVID in Europe. I’m kind of surprised, because we were there 2 1/2 weeks and a lot of areas were very crowded.


Crowded indoors or outdoors?

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PNW- D & SIL, 2 preschool kids, their 5 guests friends (family) in the guest house, their 4 friends with kids all got covid. We were scheduled to stay there for a month starting this past week. Canceled- we are old (not gotten covid that we know of- up to date on vaccinations). D and GD toddler still testing positive a week after the GD older toddler (first case). Symptoms- headache adults and fever (101), kids grouchy and none. Only reason they tested was that D heard it was going around the daycare. All vaccinations are up to date including toddlers.


Definitely a new wave in our area. GD got it at day camp, was sick for half their family vacation since she didn’t have symptoms till they’d left, and other family members got it. They’re back now, and seems like all the kids’ friends have it right now.

H and I still haven’t gotten it. Seems kind of miraculous, tbh.

Last week, we were at a semi-outside event (a memorial for an old friend). H’s brother was there. Fully vaxxed. Says he’s had it four times. Yikes.

This probably should go in the ‘say it here’ thread – but any words of wisdom welcome.


Groom sick last week. COVID! Bride sick this week. COVID!

They were both extra cautious for the last few weeks, all to no avail.
Fortunately, most activities are planned for outside. Fortunately weather forecast looks promising. Fortunately sickness so far is not life threatening, but not fun either. Timing MIGHT still work per latest CDC guidelines, assuming illness is short duration. Masking will be needed for B&G, definitely for any indoor portion.

They notified all guests. We have no clue how this will ultimately affect attendance, because it is so close to the date. Some family members bailing due to health concerns. No lodging refunds.

This was a total ‘do-it-yourself’ event by bride & groom, so not an all-inclusive type of venue. They worked SO HARD on the planning and coordination. Vendors are being totally unsympathetic (some actually a PIA). Timing is just awful.

I have no words for daughter, other than this will be one to remember. Right now there is little consoling – although I am especially proud that after the tears, she is still trying to re-direct where possible – and then more tears.

so sorry to hear. Can they eliminate any indoor activity and move everything outdoors? (weather permitting). They could tell invited guests that everything will be outdoors and hug the bride at your own risk!

I’d start calling close friends and relatives and inquire if they still might come.

Don’t blame the vendors for wanting to fulfill their contract, as I’m sure that they’ve heard every excuse in the book. After two years of no work due to covid, I’m sympathetic to thier plight.

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My daughter was maid of honor at a wedding last June. She rode to PA with another bridesmaid and a groomsman. Monday before the Saturday wedding. The other girl started feeling bad that evening. Long story short, she infected just about everyone. They had to cancel the wedding and honeymoon. My daughter lost a good bit of money on group activities she’d already paid for. They held the wedding three months later and I was invited that time. It was a beautiful outdoor ceremony but attendance was definitely less than it would have been on the original date.

For the groom, I would think that by the time the wedding hits , he will definately be negative and not contageous. The bride will be past the 5 days, so as long as she feels ok by then I would be less concerned and try to stick with more outdoor activities.

The good news. There is an almost zero chance they are getting Covid on their honeymoon.


I’m so sorry!!!

FWIW, I think your D and SIL did the right thing about letting people know. Move what you can outside, and maybe have B/G eat outdoors away from other people, but I hope they can enjoy their special day! And there is a chance they’ll be fine by the weekend anyway.

Please let us know how it all goes!

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Just before the little kid’s wedding last year, her sister, the MOH, and her family came down with Covid. No MOH or flower girl at the wedding. Kid’s best friend couldn’t attend the bachelorette outing because of Covid, but thankfully she had fully recovered by the wedding day- otherwise, she would have officiated over Zoom! We hosted some of kid’s friends at our house because they couldn’t afford lodging… of course the girl with sniffles had Covid and passed it to the other two when they were hanging out together! Ugh. But the wedding at the outdoor venue went fine, and the caterer/bartender were great. Some workers wore masks and all had gloves on… Looking back, kid said that despite all of that, the wedding was a success.

Hang in there, @kjofkw! Hugs. Hope the weather will be good, and the guests have a great time.


Page mentions research that mitochondrial dysfunction may cause long COVID in some people.

It also mentions that the $1.15 billion NIH RECOVER Long COVID spending has very little useful results to show.

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Tonight my friend called me and said her husband had covid. We have theater tickets for Friday night, so she said to get someone else to go. We also have another friend coming in for the weekend of Sept 9 as we have a football game to go to. Well, then there were lots of texts back and forth as to who was going to feed her MIL (lives next door, 100 years old). Then she texted that she also had covid. Big panic as she also has a sprained ankle. This was all between 5-8 pm.

At 9 pm she texts “Opps, sorry, read the tests wrong and the “C” line is for control, not for covid.”

I’ve decided covid doesn’t sound like much fun so I’ll not be getting it.

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Aside from who has not gotten Covid I’m just as curious as to who has had Covid and how many times. I have friends who are on their third go around with Covid. I have never tested positive for Covid but I suppose I could have had it.

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I have only had it once , when omicron came out , Jan 1st 2022 right when I was exposed during dinner a few nights before. This week I have flown to San Fran, attended a large conference and I am flying back. So far not masking as I feel fine . With the current surge, I will be shocked if I dont get it. I also all along since conferences came back have attended, done concerts, sporting events, indoor dining, etc. I have been exposed. I know my time is coming . One interesting thing is that as a kid I was not sick that much, and I have had strep, but never had the flu so far, even before vaccines.
Meanwhile a friend is on her 3rd round, and she is fully vaccinated.

H & I got it once. January 2023. But, I’ve been working in person full time (in an open room/cubbie environment - no office) since June 2020 with little to no precautions by my co-workers/management. H is an elementary PE teacher who has been in person since Nov 2020. They were masked until March 2022.

The only precautions I take now are skipping movies Friday/Saturday nights and haven’t been to too many big indoor events. I did go to a college basketball game and college graduation though. We’ve flown unmasked a few times including to Europe last Xmas and Florida this summer.