Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

Me, too!

I believe there are some people who have a genetic protective factor (beyond having Type O blood) that we just don’t know about.

For what it’s worth, I have Type O blood and, up until this month, got every vaccine ASAP. I had terrible long Covid symptoms (respiratory) after episode one in May 2022, and the sudden-onset rheumatoid arthritis that started this past July lingers, full force (although who knows if it’s related). I guess I lost the lottery. Hoping this last episode (tested positive 11/14, tested negative 11/22) doesn’t continue my bad luck! Paxlovid both times, and it seemed to do the job.

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I’m starting to think I may be one of those people who have a protective factor, but it’s not Type O blood. KNOCK ON WOOD!!


@HImom did your sister have a high fever with rebound? I have a call in to MD.

Type O blood only supposedly lowers the chances, but doesn’t eliminate them completely. I know you were/are affected by long covid. I know you got your 2nd case of covid from your D’s wedding. Do you know of anyone else who got it at the wedding?

Hope your run of bad luck with covid doesn’t continue!

Yes - I know of a case in my circle where (highly disturbing) tastes and smells became a subsequent (long CoViD) hindrance with nutrional intake!

A few others were also infected.

After my initial infection (tested positive on Mother’s Day 2022), I was hospitalized twice for terrible asthma. The second time in March 2023, my pulse ox was 80 when the EMTS came to my apartment and I was in the hospital for 8 days. The first hospitalization beginning on Halloween 2022 was for pneumonia, lasted 5 days, and I was released only because I had an appointment with a pulmononolgist that day. I had another pneumonia which took me to the ER without hospitalization, and 3 cases of bronchitis. I am happy to say (knock wood) that I have had no respiratory symptoms not resolved with a puff or two of Albuterol.

I had very mild asthma, dated back 30 years before I quit smoking, but no real symptoms–years would go by without needing to use the albuterol inhaler, Now I use Trelegy, a heavy-duty steroid inhaler every night, which takes care of things.

Poor poor pitiful me!

Sis says she feels fine and only tested because she was going to see infant grand daughter whom she didn’t want to expose. She says she feels she can just go out with a mask but will avoid people she knows because she feels that’s what everyone else is doing anyway. I will stay away from her for awhile.

I have still not gotten COVID to my knowledge - type O+ and latest vaccine yesterday. I have diabetes II so have remained cautious. I haven’t traveled a lot or been to much in the way of family gatherings other than nephew’s wedding in June. I mask inside stores and haven’t eaten inside restaurants in three years. Social gatherings are all outdoors (I do love living in San Diego). I’ve also stopped letting most other people hug me, especially if I know they’ve had bouts of COVID along the way! But I was never all that comfortable with being grabbed anyway.

I did catch pneumonia for the first time exactly a year ago - apparently from a bug my brother picked up on a vacation to Hawaii when they visited us on the way home.

Husband is much more out and about and not as cautious but hasn’t brought anything home. He suspects the vaccines have jump started an auto immune skin condition - started getting rash and itching especially on his back a couple of years ago.

@oldmom4896 oximeter reading of 80!!! Glad you are okay after second bout!

@Marilyn one of my kids as in San Diego for the core years of COVID and the climate made things so much easier. But the sun can stir up autoimmune stuff for sure.

There have been studies on genetic variants and risk of long COVID or asymptomatic COVID.

That’s really interesting! My paternal first cousin was at my daughter’s wedding. i had not seen her in many years. It turns out that she had a terrible case of Covid, in the hospital twice before she finally recovered.

If “going out” means staying outside keeping distance from others, that should not be much of a spreading risk. But if she goes inside where there are other people, or does not keep her distance from others, that would be more of a spreading risk.

Good masks used properly can be effective, but the way many people actually use masks or continue to use less effective masks means that masks are probably not that effective on a population basis.

Yes, that’s the problem…and she doesn’t feel sick, but others do!

Only avoiding people she knows shows no regard for everyone else (which is par for the course now – I read about people trying to “protect Grandma” but not caring about anyone else). The thing is that unless Grandma herself is vigilant, she will get plenty of exposure if she goes out and about without avoiding crowds and always masking indoors with a well-fitting good mask.


Sounds similar to me, but I don’t live in a climate where people can gather outdoors year-round. Even when it’s nice outside, there are people I know who still prefer indoor dining (bugs!). My interactions with people have decreased greatly since the pandemic (I’ve written about this before).

I would like your situation!

In climates that keep people inside (no outdoor dining) these last 4 years have been pretty isolating, especially for those of us living alone.


So true. Most people eat indoors as much as they did pre-pandemic, despite the increased costs, waitstaff and kitchen worker shortages, expectations of higher tips/added charges, etc. They simply don’t care about covid transmission.

They also think nothing of indoor gatherings that don’t revolve around eating. They don’t mask. Until covid affects either themselves or someone they know, they just don’t care. (Even then, they often don’t care.)

Thanksgiving was three days ago. Today millions of people will be traveling. Many will have been exposed to covid (or flu) at Thanksgiving gatherings. They could be contagious as they jam airports and travel unmasked. And no one cares…

I am so sick and it is going on forever. You never know if you are one of the ones to get really sick.

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I’m just catching up on this thread this morning. I’m so sorry that some of you are so ill! :frowning: