Who here has not gotten COVID? Who has long COVID?

Sorry you are still sick. For me it did last almost one week and I was freaked out about our daughter coming home for Thanksgiving but then I was suddenly better the next day. Hope you get that overnight recovery soon.


Iā€™m sorry you are still feeling so bad. Fingers crossed you will turn a corner and start feeling better soon.


Most people I know got vaccinated and later got Omicron with not too bad effects. With hybrid immunity and indication that COVID-19 was not so bad for them (like a cold, no long COVID), it is not a surprise that they are less concerned than they were before vaccines were available (when getting severe cases or long COVID was not unusual among those who got it).

Obviously, that is not good for those who are particularly vulnerable (genetically or otherwise) to getting bad cases, since even hybrid immunity is not enough to create herd immunity against a virus as contagious as Omicron variants now are.


I just got a vaccine, 5 weeks before getting this. I think different strains my be relevant. I also wonder if rebound is much worse since I had to stop Paxlovid after two days. Might have been better not to take it at all. Now I know it causes arrythmias for me.

I have had all the Covid shots including the fall 2023 booster. I work in a health care setting. I try to make wise decisions and am not often in big groups of people where we are very close (like a concert). I have flown and masked on a plane but in everyday life have not masked in quite some time but always have a mask in my purse if I felt needed.

As far as I am aware I have not had Covid.

I care. A lot. I take a little offense at comments that most donā€™t care. Aside from surveys and polls I think MOST people care and wouldnā€™t look Covid in the face or expose others to it knowingly. MOST people.

I donā€™t have health conditions or concerns at the present time and am thankful for that ā€œcushionā€ of health.

But at the end of the day, now, 3 years 9 months later, should I become very Iā€™ll or incapacitated, I would rather know I pretty safely lived my life, enjoyed my people, my surroundings and enjoyed life.

Iā€™m always a bit sad that my mom left earth (Nov 2021) with Covid still driving our world. (She did not have Covid).

We still have cold, flu, etc even with vaccines, OTC meds, etc to help us along. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m our lifetime Covid will be eradicated- I SO hate the phrase ā€œIā€™m gonna live my lifeā€ but also with any obstacle before us, I hope most of us can do that.


Yes, I am still sad I didnā€™t see my mom for the last 15 months of her life - she passed away in July, 2021.

The other phrase I despise is, ā€œI wonā€™t live my life in fear.ā€ WTH? You donā€™t look both ways when you cross the street because youā€™re afraid of getting hit by a car? And itā€™s always said in a condescending manner to those of us who do take precautions.


To be clear, Iā€™m saying in my above post that YES, Iā€™m going to live my life, but with the safety of myself and others in mind - and that means Iā€™m at a point that Covid is not going to stop me in doing nearly everything I want to with that safety in mind.

And that when you hear other say that or a similar phrase, it doesnā€™t have to be interpreted as ā€œIā€™m going to live my life 100% for me and with disregard for othersā€.


I spend a lot of time in an elementary school as a volunteer. I always check in with the office manager or nurse to learn about the recent cases of flu, Covid, etc. I either wear a KN95 mask or a Happy Mask, depending on the day / level of illness. I wear a mask to protect myself and those around me. Iā€™m going in tomorrow and will go with a KN95 - I canā€™t imagine that the students wonā€™t be coming back from break with plenty of germs!

Last week, to my surprise, the office manager said that there were no recent cases of Covid or flu, but I might want to put my hair in a pony tail. Several students had gone home the day before with head lice. :flushed:

And when you hear or read that ā€œmost people donā€™t care if they get or spread covid,ā€ it doesnā€™t have to be interpreted that it means that YOU donā€™t care.

I believe the surveys to be indicative of the general feeling of the public.

Our opinions differ. ā€œMostā€ must include the general public - which includes my family, my neighbors, my work peeps, my community - and me.

In this case, Iā€™m comfortable maybe being in that ā€œmostā€ - or majority - who cares but who also has picked up and adjusted when needed but re-started living my days as was done pre-Covid.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m alone in picking back up but also being cautiously aware that Covid is still around and making good health and safety choices around it - like any other illness we might be able to avoid!

Not wanting to debate (though comfortable in my words) but wanting to present that middle ground of ā€œcaring about Covidā€ that does exist for many.


Fortunately, it doesnā€™t appear that DH has spread Covid to anyone that we know of.

I think almost 4 years into Covid, people feel that with vaccines/time/mutations that Covid is no longer the danger it once was. They are not going to take what they see as unreasonable precautions for the rest of their lives, which is how long many people believe Covid will be present in society. So they view it as any other illness that you get-they wouldnā€™t deliberately spread a cold to people, but arenā€™t going to avoid crowds, restaurants, get togethers, etc. for the rest of their lives to avoid getting what they view as a relatively mild illness.

Most people likely donā€™t have any exposure to long Covid or anyone suffering from it, so it seems like a very remote danger to them. At least thatā€™s my take on it, for what little thatā€™s worth.


I agree. If people are ā€œnot too worriedā€ then I equate that to ā€œnot caring too much.ā€ You obviously think differently.

ā€œOverall, about three-quarters of adults say they are ā€˜not too worriedā€™ or ā€˜not at all worriedā€™ about getting Covid-19 over the holidays, and two-thirds say they are not worried about spreading the virus to people close to them, according to the new survey.ā€

So they donā€™t test, never mask, donā€™t isolate (or exit isolation prematurely and then donā€™t mask after that), donā€™t avoid crowds, etc.

I found it interesting that 2/3 werenā€™t concerned about spreading it to people close to them. I would have thought more would have been concerned for their family and friends.

Most of these people might care, as you believe, but if they donā€™t walk the talk, itā€™s meaningless. Thatā€™s what I believe. I understand you donā€™t agree.


Iā€™m in the not too worried camp but still taking precautions. Iā€™m fully vaxxed, mask up for things like concerts/shows/flights, and test and stay home if feeling under the weather. I would say most in my circle of friends are doing the same.

My H and I have never tested positive for Covid (but we think we had it in the original wave a month before the shut down in '20 before there were tests available).

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This is how I care, and I imagine Iā€™m not too different from most.

I am taking zero precautions to avoid catching covid. I havenā€™t masked since the mandatory requirements were lifted, nor do I avoid indoor situations. I have had all my vaccines including the latest one. Iā€™m basically living like itā€™s 2019. I do not worry at all about catching covid and havenā€™t even thought about it much in quite a while.

However, when I get sick or know Iā€™ve had direct exposure I test. I havenā€™t been positive yet but if I was I would isolate per cdc instructions. This isnā€™t much different than how I treat any illness. I was sick a few months back when we had a family gathering. My covid test was negative (good to know) but I didnā€™t go because I didnā€™t want to give whatever it was I had to others. Iā€™m not sure what else you are expecting from people.


One of the things I think is challenging is that the home tests (according to the doctor I saw when I had Covid in late May) often donā€™t show up as positive until you have had symptoms for several days. If you start to feel a bit sick, test & it is negative, then go about your regular routines assuming you have a cold, itā€™s possible that youā€™re spreading Covid without realizing it.

My husbandā€™s home test didnā€™t show positive until he had a fever for two days. When we realized he was sick, I went to the urgent care at the first sign of a scratchy throat even though my home test was negative. I was positive, went on Paxlovid, and didnā€™t have a positive test at home until day four (maybe Paxlovid had an impact on that? :woman_shrugging:t2:).

But, thatā€™s not very useful if youā€™re trying to determine if what you have is Covid when you first start to feel a bit off. The best bet is just avoid being around people if you feel sick at all, but I know that thatā€™s really challenging! I have a sore throat at least every three weeks and if I isolated every time I did, Iā€™d struggle to get meet my responsibilities.


The only thing I do differently from 2019 (other than having the Covid vaccines) is I donā€™t go to work in person if Iā€™m sick (since we can now work remotely). I also encourage staff to stay home when sick and waive in person requirements. But I donā€™t treat Covid differently than other illnesses.


Ditto for the most part. I am currently heading to a conference of 30k people. I have previously walked away unscathed at other conferences, but for this one , it will be a miracle . I am up to date on boosters. I prefer not to mask and wont unless i feel unwell. I brought tests with me, but as someone stated they tend to be delayed.

Last week I could have gone to ā€œdrinksgivingā€ but because I was seeing my mom on Thanksgiving , I chose not to. So I do little things like that.

I live my full life, as if its 2019 , but with little tweeks here and there, and would not purposely do something if I was sick

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Of the people I know who had known COVID-19 infections, a third (2 out of 6) who had it before vaccines were available (ancestral virus period) had some form of long COVID (one with seemingly permanent effects, one whose symptoms eventually went away after months). I do not know anyone who had COVID-19 after vaccination who had long COVID, although those who got it during the pre-booster / Delta period tended to have worse experiences than those who got it during the post-booster / Omicron period (though bad infections did sometimes occur during the latter).

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My sister has had covid now for >2 weeks ā€” mild symptoms but testing + after being negative twice. She is chaffing but not wanting to infect anyone as she has vulnerable people in her circle, including infant not yet vaccinated va covid.

H and I still wear well fitting masks when we are indoors and especially when traveling. We had covid once and are trying our best to avoid a repeat. Very few others we encountered while traveling wore any masks, but we werenā€™t hassled for wearing them.

finally a sign of things returning to normal :wink: