<p>a. the guy with outstanding academics (2400 SAT, straight A's, val, nearly every class AP) and little to no EC's</p>
<p>b. the guy with mediocre academics (not so good SAT, 3.0 GPA, maybe 2 or 3 AP's) BUT outstanding EC's (captain of several varsity teams and clubs, playing at Carnegie Hall, won some major national awards, Olympics, etc)</p>
<p>Note I do not mean HYPS/Ivy League type schools... but let's just say... UC Berkeley/UCLA type caliber.</p>
<p>Ah... some people have made me feel slightly better. Thanks.</p>
<p>Let's change the question a bit.</p>
<p>a. the guy with outstanding academics (2400 SAT, straight A's, val, nearly every class AP) and little to no EC's</p>
<p>b. the guy with mediocre academics (not so good SAT, 3.0 GPA, maybe 2 or 3 AP's) BUT outstanding EC's (captain of several varsity teams and clubs, won some major national awards)</p>
<p>Note that Olympics and Carnegie Hall are omitted. Hopefully that makes things a TAD harder.</p>
<p>I believe both would get in a school on par with the UCs. However, when it comes to the Ivy Leagues like Harvard and Princeton, neither would get in. This reallys sucks because I don't seem to be as good as either fake person.</p>