Who is doing it?

<p>waiting till 12 to check UCSC admission? </p>

<p>cuz i know the f u c k i aint</p>

<p>It wouldn't help whether you check it early or not.</p>

<p><em>person A checks it at 12:00</em><br>
"Hooray I got accepted! ZZZZZZZZZZZZ"
"Aww, I got rejected. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"</p>

<p><em>person B checks it the next day</em><br>
"Hooray I got accepted! Now I can spend the rest of the day celebrating!"
"Aww, I got rejected. Now I can commiserate with my friends and get on with life."</p>

<p>Poor person A =(</p>

<p>Oooh, It's today xP, anyone know if it's actually going to be at the stroke of midnight?</p>

<p>Zzzzzzzzzzzz >>>>>>> gym, calc, chem and waking up early which =/= celebrating</p>

<p>xD I'll probably be person A staying up not because of this but because of those aforementioned sobs aka calc hw.</p>

<p>Lol.. i feel your pain charisma, i have a ton of calc homework to do too. Yeah im person A... but i wouldnt sleep afterwards... i would either party by eating ice cream.. or cry my eyes out.. and THEN sleep.</p>

<p>eh. i'm catching up on 3 nights of calc hw now (not including the review packet)...the first part of the test was today =P</p>