Who is more competitive?

<p>A guy with 2.95 Unweighted/weighted GPA and 3630/4000 SAT (sat and 2 sat 2)</p>


<p>A guy with 3.4 unweighted gpa, 3.55 weighted and 3120/4000</p>

<p>3.0 is a tough cutoff</p>

<p>I'd have to go with the bottom one</p>

<p>BUt if you want, use the AI calculator</p>

<p>P.S. This does not determine the more competitive applicant in any way, but crunches the numbers for you. Theres alot more to applying to college than numbers.</p>

<p>The standard advice from the college guides is that a person with high SAT and low gpa is lazy, and a person with low SAT and high gpa is going to a high school with grade inflation.</p>

<p>I'd go with the second person for two main reasons:</p>

<p>1) the first person's UW and W GPA are the same, so they didn't take any honors/AP classes AND they did poorly</p>

<p>2) GPA is more important than SAT</p>

<p>3) what dufus said</p>

<p>Doesn't the first guy show more potential if he/she manages to straighten up?</p>

<p>yeah...but why should top colleges take that risk when there are thousands of other applicants with equal scores and better grades</p>

<p>(from a basically numbers standpoint, ceteris parabus)</p>

<p>ohh i got one too!</p>

<p>student 1
98 gpa
2210 sats</p>

<p>student 2
94 gpa
2340 sats</p>

<p>first, i'd say this school has mad grade inflation</p>

<p>i think this is more based on rank (assuming these two students go to the same school)</p>

<p>I would say that the first student is more appealing, because the difference between a 2240 and a 2370 is only a few questions, and both are well beyond the 25th percentile for most selective schools.</p>

<p>ok so i messed up the exact numbers a little bit, but you get the idea</p>

<p>(this is a little outside the box)</p>

<p>the person with the 98 probably has stronger teacher recommendations, because it seems that there is a correlation between strong marks from teachers and high grades.</p>

<p>ok so the valedictorian and I (hockey co-captains) got in this argument today, each telling the other that they hadda better shot at their ED school (compared to some of the people on CC i would say I have NO shot) Schools are Brown and Dartmouth...about equal in selectivity I guess......although Brown seems like more of a crapshoot......</p>

<p>Him (Dartmouth ED)
1 in class (of 54)
32 on ACT
680 chem
660 lit
670 US history
Hockey co-captain
Tennis co-captain
Strong essays (he had a private counselor...............ugh)
never worked a job (...you know how it is....goes with ^)
minimal community service
Yearbook member 12
(thats it for EC's)
AP latin - 2</p>

<p>Me (Brown ED)
6 in class (of 54..i know second decile...ugh)..but ive taken the hardest courseload of any student EVER at my high school
34 on ACT
ap environmental -5
spent 7 weeks taking courses for credit AT BROWN
Hockey co-captain (yeah i know)
Tennis co-captain (ditto)
Strong essays (im proud to have done them on my own)
yearbook editor in chief
head of leadership
lots of community service
directed 2 plays
buncha other stuff too
youngest person ever to hike the long trail solo (essay topic)</p>

<p>longtrail= walking from MASS to Canada</p>

<p>...basically, does his higher rank make up for his lack of EC's....do my EC's nothing spectacular, but very time consuming, make up for my lower rank. As far as numbers, he's stronger, but I have the intangibles...so its hard to say</p>

<p>I'd pick you. Then again, it's all about how much he covers up his sheltered past that has been completely subsidized by his parents.</p>

<p>yeah i know</p>

<p>ive never taken a test prep course
paid for my own summer@brown tuition
worked jobs year-round
we both go to public school....</p>

<p>its not that im impoverished at all (ironically i dont think im eligible for financial aid) its just that my parents believe that I should work and earn the things that I want (luckily the will pay for my REAL college tuition)</p>

<p>the ironic thing is...the more money you shell out to a college counselor..the less spoiled you application will make you look.....because those guys work those things over.</p>

<p>You shouldn't really look down on those who can afford a private conselor. if they can afford it, good for them. As long as it doesn't affect you, there isn't any reason to be jealous. </p>

<p>Life is unfair and you should expect that unless you firmly believe in socialism.</p>

<p>i guess you make a good point. And not to generalize, but I may be teaching to the wrong choir. </p>

<p>But I believe:</p>

<p>SAT Prep Courses
Paying people to fill out applications for you
Fraudulent disabilities claims for Extended time on testing
Essay services
and some of the other stuff that seems to go on</p>

<p>has tainted the world of college admissions.</p>

<p>Now to argue the other side of the argumentl why not take a course to improve your scores, it shows that you care enough about how you are doing to take initiative.</p>

<p>I guess I just wished that SAT's couldn't be coached....oh well (not to say that you don't work hard to improve your own scores in Kaplan or whatever)
...pipe dream</p>

<p>but some of the other stuff just seems unethical.</p>

<p>as far as private counselors</p>

<p>it used to be something a few people did to get ahead
now it is something that everyone must do to prevent themselves from falling behind. </p>

<p>maybe its a little bit of jealousy...most likely... but I'd like to think that when the adcoms open my application, and see how well I put it together, they say "wow he sure put alot of effort into this" rather than; "he must have paid alot of money for help"</p>

<p>i guess what im saying is that somethings are EXPECTED with selective admissions, and I wish they just didn't exist.</p>

<p>Well if you can't afford a Maybech, do you wish that it doesn't exist? Maybe when one day you are rich, you will be glad your children can be provided with the best assistance and thus helping them getting into the colleges they desired for.</p>

<p>the certain luxuries we can't afford are what keeps us motivated. otherwise, why would you even bother to apply to brown? only a handful of people truly studies for the heck of it and as a result the majority must have a goal to guide them, don't you agree?</p>

<p>i dont think a private counselor is a bad idea for people who need help with their applications, it just seems like the raise the bar for people who didn't use them (which is not always for financial reasons)</p>

<p>but some of the other things that go on just seem insane?</p>

<p>but then again, I live in VT, where competition (college-wise) is not crazy like it is in FL, NY, NJ, CT, MA and CA. I guess if you live in a place where everyone else is doing it, you'd also do it to even the playing field. Maybe I just have these predespositions because its just so unheard of up here.</p>

<p>i dont look down on people who use private counselors in any way, I just wish that my work wouldn't be compared to a trained professional's.</p>

<p>its not anyone's fault, its just the system</p>

<p>The list goes on....private schools, the best tutors, the best private colleges, etc etc. Life just isn't fair I guess.</p>

<p>i know</p>

<p>life is life</p>

<p>i wouldn't say anyone on this board is living a bad life</p>


<p>point 1
no matter what, you'll end up in the right place</p>

<p>point 2
from what I see on this board, and the stuff that you people do, your passions, your abilities, you guys will be successful no matter where you go.</p>