Who will get into a better college

<p>I have a 3.7 wgpa and 1730 on sat, my freind however has 4.2 wgpa and 1490 on sat who will get accepted into a better college</p>

<p>Uhm, well I'd say whoever has the higher UW GPA. But if it is close, def. 1730 SAT.</p>

<p>higher GPA!</p>

<p>...how did he only get a 1490...?</p>

<p>not to say that SATs are the best judge of intelligence, but usually if you work really hard in school, you gain some sort of logic skills...was he drunk?</p>

<p>1730 imho</p>

<p>scores ranging in those levels really tell what kind of academia each student is coming from</p>

<p>You probably will, since you're in the top 4% of your class so your GPA will look better than it might seem.</p>

<p>My friend had a 3.75 wgpa, I had a 3.01wgpa.</p>

<p>My SAT was 1900, his was 1400.</p>

<p>he got into UCLA</p>

<p>I was rejected from UCI.</p>

<p>Oh by the way, does your friend go to the same school as you?</p>

<p>yeah he goes to the same school as me, and mrboba ouch irvine hard to get into? dude i highly doubt he got into ucla with those scores</p>

<p>The one who can sell himself more. </p>

<p>Don't forget to let us know next year who gets in?</p>

<p>i'd doubt he'd get in with those scores too, but i'm not here to lie to you.</p>

<p>i was ppppiiisssseed, he's my friend, but even i know he didn't deserve that.</p>

<p>on a sidenote, i can't say i was rejected from ucla, because i didn't apply there. lol</p>

<p>uci was my first choice... and i didn't get in. cal poly pomona was my friends first choice, and he got into ucla, and decided to go there instead. i'm really unhappy about it all. he didn't give a crap about going to college... idk what i did wrong to be rejected from uci.</p>

<p>wow thought uc irvine was easy to get into........... Thought hte hard schools would be cal berkeley and ucsd</p>

<p>UCB/UCLA/UCSD are the hardest UCs to get into. UCLA just had a lot of weird decisions this year.</p>

<p>I disagree with UCSD. My friend got into SD SB and I but not LA or D</p>

<p>^ That's an odd decision then, which happens. I remember there was someone on this board who got into every single UC except for Irvine, which definitely isn't the toughest UC to get into.</p>

<p>Look at the average GPAs and SAT scores of each of the UCs and you'll find that UCB's are the highest, UCLA's are the second highest, and UCSD's are the third highest.</p>

<p>I can tell you my story. I got this year into UCSD with 2020 SAT and 3.96 W UC gpa, but was rejected from UCI. Go figure. I was not upset though, since I got into better school.</p>

<p>I know plenty of people who were rejected from UCD or UCSB this past year, but got into like UCLA or UCSD. Admissions this past year was messed up...</p>

<p>Myself, I got into UCI/UCSB/UCD/UCSD, but rejected from UCLA and UCB, even though someone with lower stats than me got into UCLA.</p>

<p>Of course there are stories like the ones you guys are posting... but i know ALOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT more ppl that got rejected from UCB/UCLA/UCSD and got into UCI/UCSB/UCD to correlate with the average stats. I'm assuming this goes the same for the majority of your communities too or else UCLA would be much easier to get into than UCI.</p>