Who's applying from HS Class of 2017?

Yes basically college board is saying the New SAT is easier.

Yes, those Bama adjustments are based on the College Board’s concordance table:


I hope that doesn’t effect NMSF cutoff number that come out soon.

In theory those are based off percentages and not concordance. There’s a couple of threads floating around talking about it.

Has anyone had success with UA excepting an unofficial transcript? I hate waiting for our GC.

@jeepgirl My apologies for not updating you and @2muchquan The NYC regional rep sent a response to my son, and he just recently told me (a week after receiving it). The rep said unofficial transcripts are not acceptable. She said not to worry about sending an official copy when school starts. She said applications are not reviewed until after Labor Day.

Thanks @STEM2017! It just seems like we are at a disadvantage being from the northeast where schools don’t get out until the end of June, making getting transcript hard for the incoming seniors. I know we are so ahead of the game, but as I have said before, I want the whole applications and admissions process to be over so D can enjoy her senior year!

I’m late to the party on the topic of car or no car.

Has anyone experience buying a car locally for college? I have an average car, but not sure my parents will allow me to drive it 1200 miles or if it will make it.

If a person was to buy a car locally anyone know the process of registering it? Do it at your permanent state or in Alabama.

To get the best responses, you should re-post this/new questions as a new thread on the UA forum (not buried in the Class of 2017 applicant thread) :wink:
Here are some replies from years ago: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-alabama/1666553-bringing-an-oos-car-to-ua-whats-the-definitive-legal-process.html I’m sure others will weigh in to update. Good luck!

Planning on sending D with a newish car from home. We just bought the girls a new Accord to share and my husband has a Jeep that I am pretty sure would be perfect for Alabama! D17 will decide which one she wants to take.

Our GC sent in our transcript today, so we are excited! Hopefully we will hear next month!

UA has son’s transcript. The only missing piece is his ACT score. They’ll have to wait until for September for that.

My S applied and filled out scholarship information. Now we wait!!!

I think DS’s application is complete. It shows they received app payment, ACT scores, and HS transcript. He needs to wait until he has official class rank to fill out the scholarship application and then he will be all set. Visiting in early September.

@STEM2017 Did they allow the unofficial transcript? That is awesome if they did. It would have saved us a huge headache!

@jeepgirl NO, they said no to the unofficial.

I was able to get son’s high school to send an official copy. All the guidance counselors are off for the summer but the poor administrative assistant is there and sending out transcripts.

@STEM2017 that is awesome and one more thing to check off on the to do list!

We think the UA application is done. D requested a transcript back in the spring, to be sent out to UA with final Senior transcripts over the summer. UA application status shows as ready for review, but transcript receipt date is listed as May 25, which was before school ended! Same date shows for ACT receipt. Hoping it’s just a date entry error. D sent an email to UA asking if transcript received was final for junior year or not. Waiting to hear back. May need to request another if the HS jumped the gun…ugh!

My DS did his freshman year without a car. He did have to go to an elementary school in Northport for an Honors mentoring class and another Honors class had him volunteering at the T town animal shelter but he was able to find reliable classmates in both classes who always gave him a ride. He never missed either. There are shuttles and friends you can catch rides with and everything else you need is right there on campus. With all access meal plans you can “shop” at the dining facility all day with “go to” containers. He even brought milk back to his dorm! And Publix grocery store is right there.

Now sophomore year his apartment is almost 2 miles straight shot on a busy road away so he brought his car. Complex also has a shuttle that runs every 15 min. Parking pass over $300 on campus so be prepared for that!

DD is applying to Bama and HC, and UFE. Anyone else here applying to UFE?

Saw a post earlier about the “misc.” cost being estimated at around $300 a month. That seems about right, or maybe low. My DD ( senior) blows through that at home per month easily, and she is on the “eat at home” plan :))