Why couldn't MIT be more like CalTech?

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=18526%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=18526&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>OP asks:</p>

<p>"3) Is it "easier" for me to gain admissions because I'm a girl? Does anyone know the % accepted for males vs. females? I know that you need to be extremely well qualified no matter what your gender is, but if 2 people with very similar stats were competing"</p>

<p>Ben Golub the CalTech Rep says: </p>

<p>"3) At Caltech, the short answer is "no" and the slightly longer answer is "almost completely, no." The applicant pool splits 76/24 and the admit pool 66/34 in terms of percentage male / percentage female. That means that women have a slight edge, but most of this is due to the fact that the girls who have the qualifications and initiative to apply to Caltech are usually VERY good and VERY interested in science/math/engineering, whereas many guys are pressured to apply by their parents because they've always wanted their son to be an engineer, irrespective of his inclinations. The less than 10% shift, I believe, can legitimately be explained in this way. It is harder to say this for MIT, where girls have twice the chance of getting in that boys have.</p>

<p>In the committee and reading processes, we are very explicit about never giving girls an edge because of their gender -- anybody who cited that as a tiebreaker in a borderline case would be pretty sharply reprimanded, I think. It has been suggested now and then over the years that we change the rubric for evaluating SAT scores to set the bar a bit lower for girls, but students involved in admissions ususally react very negatively, since quite a few girls came to Tech because they feel that this is one of the few engineering schools where they can be sure of having gotten in on merit, not as an affirmative action handout.</p>

<p>On the other hand, girls statistically tend to write more engaging essays (consistent with the general edge that women have in writing across the board, everywhere). It's possible that this would make the difference if a female had similar scores, activities, etc. to a male, but wrote more appealing essays. However, this would also make the difference in exactly the same way between two similarly qualified male candidates.</p>

<p>So there you have it -- several reasons why gender does not explicitly factor into decisions, and the reasons why women have a slightly higher chance of being admitted, statistically. The advice: no matter what your gender, show some personality in your essays!"</p>

<p>w00t! </p>

<p>At least CalTech gives straight up answers. </p>

<p>CalTech lovin.</p>

<p>wow theleet, you are very obsessed with this aren't u</p>

<p>I'm against affirmative action but what good does this do for anybody?</p>

<p>theleet, do you even still want to go to MIT? it seems like half your posts are about MIT's admissions policy. if you hate the way MIT chooses its students, it seems to me that you wouldn't be happy there anyway because the student body would reflect the school's AA admissions policy (which you're very happy with)... so why not just go to caltech?.</p>

<p>I would rather a girl with a score 20pts under yours be accepted anyday</p>

<p>If MIT were to be more like Caltech, then it wouldn't be MIT. :)</p>

<p>I am a current MIT student, and I am all for giving girls the edge. Especially if they're good looking girls. We have some issues with that.</p>

<p>cause caltech sucks

<p>"I am a current MIT student, and I am all for giving girls the edge. Especially if they're good looking girls. We have some issues with that."</p>


<p>Agreed for sure if i get in.</p>

<p>haha river phoenix...we were all thinking it