Ask your doctor if chill pills may be right for you. You're the one who started insulting my intelligence. If you can't take the heat, don't light fires in the kitchen.
you're taking this thread a little bit too seriously. also, when did i insult your intelligence? i hope you don't consider someone disagreeing with you insulting your intelligence...</p>
No one's talking about writing essays. Presentation is everything - judging by the arguments you employed earlier against Clinton's candidacy you should be well aware of that. It really doesn't take very much extra effort to write using proper sentence structure and capitalization, and makes the argument come off as much more, dare I even say it, educated.
i'm going to ignore this :).</p>
To answer your question, it was the bit where you talked about the average American being incapable of simple tasks. You wrote it - you ought to remember.
i have to agree with what you said, "I'm getting pretty sick of my arguments being misinterpreted and distorted like this." when did i say the average American is incapable of performing simple tasks? if you're going to say i said it, at least quote it.</p>
There! There! That's the arrogance! Do you see it? You assume that just because someone has a scrap of paper that they're some deep, elevated intellectual.
why are you even arguing about this? and please explain how that is arrogance? and where did i say that educated people are supposed to be "deep, elevated intellectuals?" "I'm getting pretty sick of my arguments being misinterpreted and distorted like this."</p>
I have news for you. I know folks (you'd probably call them underachievers) who are some of the most profound people you'll ever meet and who've simply realized that maybe there's more to life than wealth or status, and that maybe it's enough just to work hard at something they find personally meaningful and earn a living while pondering life's little intricacies.
this isn't a new idea; i've heard this argument since middle school, and i have to admit it's a pretty bad one. i agree with you that there are some wise uneducated people, since knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. however, most of the people you and i consider wise are also knowledgeable (educated). if you interpret being educated as being well read then i'm pretty sure that a college graduate is more likely to be well read than an average high school graduate/dropout.</p>
<p>lol, how many blue collar workers do you think spend time "pondering life's little intricacies?" if so many people like to spend time "pondering life's little intracacies," why are distractions like sports, video games, television, so popular?</p>
Likewise, I deal with straight-A students all the time who are some of the most philosophically bankrupt people you'll ever have the misfortune of meeting. I have no doubt that they'll do very well for themselves, but getting the grade or acing the test does not secure one's place as a "thinker."
why do you keep referencing your school? you're not one of those kids who thinks there smarter than everyone else including the kids who have better GPAs, ranks, test scores, etc.? i'm pretty sure that the kids you're dismissing are rather bright and are probably considered to be among the best "thinkers" in your school.
also, who are you to decide who is and isn't a "thinker?"</p>
And I, too, relish what you have taught me, which is that cherry-picking an opponent's arguments, distorting them into blanket statements and sweeping generalizations, and exaggerating them to the point of absurdity are effective tactics when debating on the Internet.
please explain how your arguments are being distorted? it's not as if people aren't accurately quoting what you're posting...</p>
Signifies that what is to follow is an observation based on personal experience.
yea... anecdotal evidence usually isn't the best...</p>
As for education vs. intelligence, you missed my point again. I never said education and intelligence were unrelated. That would be stupid. I said they weren't necessarily interchangeable. A different animal entirely.
intelligence is irrelevant to this discussion. when you said, "I know folks (you'd probably call them underachievers) who are some of the most profound people [...]," seemed to suggest that you were actually talking about wisdom, which is more applicable in this discussion.</p>
Also, drawing a comparison to another election year where the Democrats made "electability" a key issue is not the same as saying that "Obama is Kerry."
isn't electability always an important issue?</p>
I'm sticking to my principles and voting for the candidate who, on the basis of her experience and knowledge, I feel to be more qualified for the job.
Hillary doesn't have more experience and knowledge than Obama does. in comparison to McCain, both Obama's and Hillary's experience is insignificant. if Hillary did win the nomination, what in the world would her platform be? the only thing Hillary could do is to go incredibly negative and make America hate both her and McCain equally. maybe, just maybe, she would have a chance.</p>
<p>Obama, however, can run on the platform of change and having the "right tools" (judgement, thinking, leadship ability, etc.) to change how ineffective our government is. McCain can also run on the having the "right tools" but he can't say that he's bringing change, since he's been in Washington forever. i think that the "change" thing would be a huge advantage for Obama.</p>
<p>Hillary cannot run on either of these platforms. she doesn't embody change like Obama does-she's totally old school dirty politics and believes that fighting is the only way to get things done and clearly does not value or believe in the power of cooperation. she also can't run on the having the "right tools" platform since she has not demonstrated good judgement, has not proven her leadership skills to the extent that Obama and McCain have, has not proven her character (lots of dirt on the Clintons...) etc.</p>
<p>barring a miracle, Hillary would be reamed by McCain in a general election.</p>