I don’t see any way to do it - am I missing something?
You can edit a post or delete within 15 minutes of posting by clicking on the gear wheel on your post. After that, you can’t.
@CottonTales Where is the gear wheel?
Ohhhhhh! I see it now! Never noticed it before! Thank you!
Hmmm that doesn’t answer the Why… The world is moving towards allowing people to own and therefor manage their content… we have seen facebook and others in the hot seat for taking ownership of what is not theirs… If they don’t want to allow me to edit then allow me to delete
OP, read the TOS, you agreed to it when you registered.
Actually I couldn’t edit anything for the first few years I was here either. And then came the day I upgraded my browser… Much better. I guess the style sheets or whatever CC was using at the time was beyond the ken of my machine, because the entire gear icon had never shown up before that point.