Why is everyone at UMich Pre Med bound?

<p>Is it just me or is almost every freshman thinking of doing Premed at some point?</p>

<p>I heard the science classes become cutthroat due to this, and many researchers won't hire u if they know ur Premed because many will do research just to pad their resumes......</p>

<p>Is this true? How is PreMed at Umich?</p>

<p>Really? To me it seems like everyone who got admitted to LSA plans to go to Ross, especially the honors admits.</p>

<p>I guess it depends on who you know. Every LSA student I’ve met wants to either be a Lawyer, Doctor, or Banker. </p>

<p>The number of “premeds” decreases significantly from Freshman to Senior year.</p>

<p>I was fairly certain pretty much everyone in Chem 130 last semester was either in Engineering or was Pre-med.</p>

<p>“I heard the science classes become cutthroat due to this”
How do you define cutthroat? </p>

<p>“and many researchers won’t hire u if they know ur Premed”
Who did you hear this from?</p>

<p>Infinit, Michigan’s undergraduate student body can be divided into 6 roughly equal parts.</p>

<li>Premeds </li>
<li>Prelaw </li>
<li>Intelectuals/Academics </li>
<li>Engineers/Techies </li>
<li>Corporate types</li>
<li>Specialists (Architects, Athletes, Dancers, Musicians, Nurses, Pharmacists etc…)</li>

<p>That is one of the many qualities I love about Michigan. There is so much intellectual diversity. None of the groups above will claim more than 20% of the entire student body.</p>



<p>This is true in my experience. I only had to take Chemistry because it was a req for engineering and all of the pre-meds would complain so much and were so competitive. You try to ask another group a simple question during lab and they would just ignore you or lie to you. And people from West Quad and South Quad would pull each others’ fire alarms to disrupt each others’ studying. Pre-meds are just too serious.</p>

<p>Yeah, in Chem class all the engineers were chill and got good grades. The LSA “undecided” or other LSA kids didn’t do as well. LSA Chem people did fine. And Pre-Meds either did crappy, thinking they wouldn’t need to know chem to be a Dr., or were crazy serious and did ok. But, that’s just the people I talked to.</p>

<p>I’m premed as well. Oh, the science classes are for sure really cutthroat, but I wouldn’t say that people are dismissive of each other as Yakyu Spirits said. I mean, I see groups of people studying together for Orgo on a daily basis genuinely helping one another and I definitely haven’t met anyone that ridiculously serious. There probably are some though. ;)</p>

<p>As for research, I’m not sure about that, but there are plenty of research jobs to go around, so I wouldn’t see why. Also, I’m pretty sure the fire alarm thing in West Quad and South Quad is used as code for a building wide snowball fight in the winter. Either that or people just being jerks.</p>

<p>I have (almost) finished my premed coursework, and I disagree with the statement that the classes are cutthroat. They may be difficult, but students are definitely not sabotaging each other.</p>

<p>“Also, I’m pretty sure the fire alarm thing in West Quad and South Quad is used as code for a building wide snowball fight in the winter.”</p>

<p>I also never heard of Michigan premeds being that cutthroat. I would not expect them to healp each other in a lab situation where students are graded on a curve, but setting off alarm would be an isolated case rather than the norm.</p>

<p>Pre-med courses are fairly difficult, but they are all manageable if you put the time into it (most difficult in my opinion: Genetics, Orgo 2. Most time consuming: Biochemsitry) From what I recall a few years ago, seemed like the majority of freshmen I’ve met were either pre-med or pre-business. </p>

<p>However, you have to understand that many of these pre-meds get weeded out in the next 4 years. Many discover other career interests. A lot discover that medicine isn’t something they really want to do. And yes, some of them simply cannot do well in sciences classes.</p>

<p>And while the majority pre-meds are approachable and alright, there are a few out there that are looking to screw you.</p>

<p>Some people might consider MSU since keeping GPA is easier…</p>

<p>But IMO, harder is good in that it gets u ready for the MCAT better
i guess theres a reason why a lot of UMich graduates make it to med school</p>

<p>and speaking of classes which screw u over? Which Pre Med classes were the worst? Was it like Chem210 and physics?</p>