Why is LSU wearing its home jersey?

<p>Unlike other teams, their White jersey is their home jersey. </p>

<p>Why were they allowed to wear it today? They should be in purple.</p>

<p>Announcer juSt said that LSU is wearing their traveling jerseys …I’m putting my $$ on m2</p>

<p>I believe the rules only state now that the teams must wear contrasting colors. M2CK is right, LSU home jerseys are white.</p>

<p>Road team always wears white. LSU just wears the road whites at home as a tradition. More info:</p>



<p>The Dallas Cowboys traditionally preferred white at home as well. A better question is why certain teams get away with not following the “dark at home - light on the road” convention. I saw some of the Army at Air Force game yesterday; Army was in white and AFA was in the shade of light gray that constitutes grayscale on a computer. The two teams looked so similar that it was almost impossible to watch!</p>

<p>M2ck, the general rule and custom is that one team must wear white. I doubt Alabama would want to wear white at home just to spite LSU. Besides, who wants to see LSU in purple? This game was not only a battle between the nation’s two best teams, but it also involved two of college football’s most distinctive and recognizable uniforms. Why change a thing?</p>

<p>This was a classic anyway you look at it. What a great demonstration of ugly, violent, smashmouth football. I thought it was pretty cool at the end when Les Miles said he would be honored to play that team again. I agree. </p>

<p>Geaux Tigers.</p>

<p>BTW, DS reported that LSU fans showed up at 11:00 a.m. Mass at St. Francis wearing Tigers tees and sweatshirts. Right in front of Nick Saban. I thought that was pretty tacky.</p>

<p>DS got to say “Hi” to Coach Saban. He says Saban looked pretty bummed.</p>

<p>The home team gets the choice, white or color. Most teams like to wear their color at home. Ga Tech is one who also wears white jersey’s at home. Every once in a while a home team will choose to wear white to make us wear our gold jerseys. </p>

<p>Great game between LSU and Bama. Came down to lack of a top notch field goal kicker for Bama, and one great play by an LSU defensive back to steal the ball from the Bama receiver. Could not have been closer, really. Both are great teams.</p>

<p>*Came down to lack of a top notch field goal kicker for Bama, and one great play by an LSU defensive back to steal the ball from the Bama receiver. *</p>

<p>It was a big mistake to “go for” those unrealistic field goal distances. And, LSU (who couldn’t do anything offensively because they were pathetic), benefitted from a couple of Bama’s mistakes - even thou Bama’s offense was much, much, much better than LSU’s.</p>

<p>"even thou Bama’s offense was much, much, much better than LSU’s. "</p>

<p>WHAT? I count three “muches” there.</p>

<p>First downs – Alabama 17, LSU 15</p>

<p>Total yards – Alabama 295, LSU 239</p>

<p>Rushing yards – Alabama 96, LSU 148 (gasp! but… but… but Trent Richardson is the greatest!)</p>

<p>Both teams threw 2 interceptions.</p>

<p>Doesn’t look like a big difference to me. And if you want to talk pathetic (your term), Bama’s special teams certainly fit the bill.</p>

<p>You left off passing…</p>

<p>NET YARDS PASSING LSU: 91 …Bama: 199 </p>

<p>LSU’s offense was a Two Note Sally. </p>

<p>and…Trent is awesome. Which LSU player is being considered for a Heisman?</p>

<p>Bama only dropped ONE BCS level. That’s very telling.</p>

<p>Bama fans…please don’t post things on the LSU forum…</p>

<p>Yes, I agree. Trent is the best running back in America. But no matter how much Bama fans try to find solace by telling themselves they are still the best team in the country (as several of your players did in the media), the fact remains that you lost the game… in your own stadium. Unlike every single Bama fan I have ever known, I believe I am objective enough to realize my team’s deficiencies (and there are plenty), but they were #1 going into the game, and they are #1 coming out. And barring a letdown of mammoth proportions, they will play for a national championship. </p>

<p>(I am really not trying to be confrontational about this. But I guess I’m just practicing for arguing with my son for the next 4 years… and for the rest of my life.)</p>