Why is Tulane ranked so badly?

<p>Responding to your edited addendum in your previous post, justwunderin-
I do NOT defend Tulane at all costs. That is another distortion. If you have really followed this forum as you claim, you’d know that I have expressed my displeasure with the ridiculous extra dorm charges freshman year, I have frequently posted my opinion about the free application (I think there should be a charge), and I’ve talked about the less than stellar food in Bruff (though I hear it has improved and they are replacing Bruff with a new dining center anyway-- hurray) to name but a few. As I said earlier, I have been fair in stating my likes and dislikes, but I WILL respond to trolls who attack the school for no reason other than to engage in trashtalk and argument.</p>

<p>Lol I know this is Alittle random but on the show entitled Big Brother many people on the show wear Tulane Ts lol.</p>

Did you happen to notice my thread with the links to Ian Terry, a current contestant on Big Brother and rising Tulane senior? I am guessing you are seeing Ian in the Tulane Tshirt.</p>

<p>Here ya go:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/tulane-university/1367818-anyone-watching-big-brother-2012-a.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/tulane-university/1367818-anyone-watching-big-brother-2012-a.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Are you serious lol I did not click the links thats do crazy. I being so honest right now :/. Ian is so weird though lols</p>

<p>Completely serious, Josiah, which is why I started that thread in the Tulane forum. And… the first person voted off the show was a girl named Jodi (a waitress/food service staff), who was wearing… when she got evicted a… wait for it…
. HARVARD t-shirt!! :D</p>

<p>OK , justwunderin, I have mentioned Harvard in the Tulane forum.</p>

<p>Lol I know I was like really dude. Should have kept Harvard girl lol. I mean Tulane not bad college but everyone who went to that college on Big Brother is less educated lol or in simplest term “dumb” which not good word to say. Wille was shotting N bombs yesterday on big brother after dark.</p>

apologies but I am not following what you are saying, and I don’t watch the show. But I am pretty sure Jodi didnt go to Harvard- she just happened to be wearing the tshirt.</p>

<p>Perhaps your posts would be better placed in that thread about the show?</p>

<p>Just Wundering: You have said: “If the $$$$$$ was exactly the same would Tulane been their choice? Maybe, maybe not.”</p>

<p>I would say this: We dont live in Perfect World and the money from other colleges given to students would Never, never be equal. Therefore, Tulane is brilliant in using the merit aids, etc to attract new students and there is nothing wrong with that. Besides the money, people forget that Tulane is member of AAU. AAU is not for every school and membership is very exclusive, like joining Country Club. AAU is for Research School only and anyone who has graduated from Tulane and has done research, it means that he/she has undergone and/or contributed a meaningful reseach. That is the reason my S chose Tulane over JHU. Both JHU and Tulane are members of AAU but Money talks and the rest is history.</p>

<p>“b/c it’s an overrated party school”</p>

<p>Please provide support for your assertion that the parties at Tulane are overrated.</p>

<p>LOL, northwesty. That was good.</p>

You are absolutely right my quote was based of the show of Big Brother and perhaps that’s why you can’t comprehend well as you stated lol. The show is a bit confusing though.</p>

<p>Thank you, Josiah. You can keep us posted in the Big Brother thread!</p>

<p>I thought further about why post # 48 was so irksome. I think it is because the post was not about the school as much as it was commenting about 2 posters (myself and FC), posted by a new, or maybe not so new, poster, ascribing statements and “facts” to us that we neither feel nor said and asking us why we feel a way that we do not feel. jph093 summarized it perfectly. Thank you again, jph093.</p>

<p>BTW, posts written about other posters are against the TOS.</p>

<p>I have been reading this board since one of my daughters decided to apply to Tulane last Fall. I believe I am uniquely qualified to comment on this post, because as my user name implies, I am the father of triplets, three wonderful daughters entering three different universities this Fall.
D3 decided to apply to Tulane after receiving an invitation to fill out a ‘free application.’ She did some preliminary research on the school and discovered Tulane’s Historical Preservation Program in the School of Architecture. My daughter received many invitations to apply to schools for free, but of those schools, only Tulane offers a program/major of interest in a desirable location. Therefore, this type of marketing works to entice potential students to do further research about the school. The free application alone did not result in my daughter’s application. It was essential that Tulane offer an academic program of interest to her.
Although my daughter applied to Tulane because of the free application and academic programs offered, her decision to attend Tulane was based on many other factors, including academic flexibility, community involvement, New Orleans, quality of student body, New Orleans, the campus, New Orleans… By way of background, D3 graduated in the top 2% of a competitive public school. Fellow classmates have been admitted into the top schools in the Country, including Harvard, Stanford, Wellesley, UCLA, Cal, Duke, Air Force Academy, etc. (I believe the list includes a couple other IVIES and certainly all of the UCs). My daughter scored well on the standardized tests and took a boatload of AP courses (scoring 5s on almost all of them). She was accepted to every UC school she applied for, including UC Davis. (In fact, all three of my daughters were accepted into UC Davis. Only one of them has decided to attend Davis. The third sister is attending another, “lower ranked”, UC because that was a better fit for her). Although all three are NHS members and academically inclined, D3 has the highest credentials. As such, she was accepted into ‘higher ranked’ schools. However, she ranked Tulane higher on her list based on her own criteria. I don’t think she even paid attention to the USNWR rankings.
On the other hand, I immediately researched Tulane’s “rankings”. Specifically, I went to the USNWR and discovered Tulane at #50. I was disappointed by such a low ranking. I struggled with her interest in Tulane and almost felt compelled to steer toward higher ranked institutions. However, after we visited Tulane for the Honor’s weekend, I realized that her selection process should involve much more than the number assigned by USNWR. Also, I needed to come to grips with the fact, the decision was hers to make. The only question that remained for us involved whether Tulane was financially feasible.
From firsthand experience, I am able to categorically state that Tulane is very generous with its financial assistance. Because of the merit based aid offered, our family is able to justify her attendance at Tulane. To be clear, not all institutions can, do or are able to offer such assistance. After listening to President Cowen speak, it became apparent that Tulane’s plan is as follows: (1) Locate and invite well qualified students to apply for Tulane; (2) Selectively pick from those applicants – accepting only those who are truly interested in Tulane; (3) Offer them generous merit based aid to entice them to attend; (4) Allow the students a great deal of academic flexibility in a unique and magical location; (5) Instill a sense of community service and giving; (6) Prepare graduates for a successful career; and (7) Hit up the alumni for generous donations to the schools endowment fund – thus facilitating #3 above. In my opinion, that is a recipe for success.<br>
In my ever to be so humble ‘opinion’, if a student is basing his/her decision to attend a particular university on a USNWR ranking, they may be missing out. Fortunately, I think my daughter understood this concept better than me. I don’t think Tulane is too worried either about utilizing USNWR rankings as a marketing tool. They seem to be doing just fine without it.</p>

<p>TRIPSDAD - thanks for the honest and thoughtful post. Congrats on all 3 of your D’s successes, and best of luck to them all.</p>

<p><a href=“7”>quote</a> Hit up the alumni for generous donations to the schools endowment fund – thus facilitating #3 above.

In fairness, they hit up the parents of the undergrads too :wink: . But my undergrad did it to my parents and IIRC older s’ s University did it to us as well. I usually told the poor student calling that I was very sorry they had the campus job that they did. Tough one.</p>

<p>Everyone should relax… no one goes to Harvard anymore anyways. Tulane is moving up in the rankings as can be seen here: [Tulane</a> ranked No.24 “druggiest” school in U.S.](<a href=“http://m.thehullabaloo.com/news/article_28d7f8d4-226e-11e1-859b-001a4bcf6878.html]Tulane”>thehullabaloo.com)</p>

<p>Thank you for posting the link Fallensocks. From the article it seems like we can get the real truth about drug use at Tulane, not what some random online newspaper seems to think.</p>



<p>And there you have it. Sounds like a normal college to me.</p>

<p>TRIPSDAD: Thanks for the info. I just like to add that UNSWR ranking does not include other criteria like membership fo AAU (AAU is this: [Association</a> of American Universities](<a href=“http://www.aau.edu/about/article.aspx?id=5476]Association”>http://www.aau.edu/about/article.aspx?id=5476)), SURA (The Southeastern Universities Research Association–<a href=“http://www.sura.org/about/members.html”>http://www.sura.org/about/members.html&lt;/a&gt;), accreditation, etc. Therefore, such Ranking is kind of incomplete, not telling the whole pictures of the school (s) and can be misleading. the AAU for example does not include Darmouth, Notre Dame, Tufts, etc. These schools are ahead of Tulane in terms of the ranking. So, I feel that anyone who has graduated in one of those schools (even they are ahead of Tulane) but she/he is lacking in Research because their schools not a member of AAU. As of importance, for anyone who is reading this (prospective students, etc), if you are interested in or love doing Research, you have to look deeper than the Ranking. You have to study/examine the school programs, their research, school membership into exclusive society, accreditation, etc. My S, likes doing Research, was accepted at Johns Hopkins U (JHU) BME programs but not given enough $$$$ and he chose Tulane instead. Both schools are members of AAU but in the end Money talks. Who does not like $$$ or better yet who wants upon graduation but will carry substantial school debts/loans?</p>

<p>Fallensocks: Relax dude. Every kids from Harvard, Yale, Duke, UPenn to city colleges are doing drugs. They do acetylsalicylic acid and Acetaminophen on daily basis. Have a good week-end.</p>

<p>AAU isn’t the catch-all of good research at the undergraduate level. The criteria for membership disables certain schools from being members. The AAU requires breadth and depth of research, so some schools that are missing a certain area of research are left out. Also, another criterion is “The members of AAU should be comprehensive universities distinguished by the disciplinary breadth and quality of their programs of graduate education and research.” see GRADUATE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH. So any school that is lacking in large graduate programs won’t be a member. Such as the top LAC’s and Dartmouth that offer tremendous research opportunities for undergrad students. This is used as an indicator for qualifying universities as well “The Committee uses number of Ph.D.s granted annually as well as tabulate the distribution of Ph.D.s across broad disciplinary categories
(e.g., engineering but not aerospace engineering), using Department of Education IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) data.” so once again schools with small PhD programs lose out. I think we all need to be aware of the AAU guidlines before we assert Tulane’s dominance over other schools based on its standing as part of the AAU. We can probably all agree that the Undergraduate education and research that goes on at AAU universities is probably good, but not above other schools who are not in AAU.</p>