Why Pick a UC

At UC Davis? I thought you couldn’t use AP for GEs, with the one exception listed here:

“You may not use AP or IB credit to satisfy GE requirements, with one exception: at the discretion of your college, AP or IB credit may apply to the English Composition literacy.” General Education Requirements | General Education

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Thank you. You are correct. I should have chosen my words more carefully. There is only that one exception for GE.

The exceptions I am referring to are not for GE, but are ways to use your AP Credits for purposes other than “Electives” or empty credits.

One example is passing out of entry-level classes in Calculus or Chemistry.

Another example is using a foreign language AP (except Latin) to count toward the Foreign Language graduation requirement for the College of Letters and Science A.B. or B.A.S degrees.


This was my daughter’s experience (I literally just asked her to repeat it to me).

In 2019 she signed up for her first quarter of classes at orientation along with everyone else. The AP classes made no difference. After the first quarter, she had ‘sophomore standing’ and used her AP exam results to fill some of the entry level requirements (varies by major) and to count towards general graduation. The standing given to the student dictates what pass time they get.

Each year gets a block of pass times that are randomly assigned to the students. You could have sophomore standing and get the first block of pass times for that week, or you could have sophomore standing and get the last block of pass times for that week. Seniors get their block of pass times first, then juniors, then sophomores, then freshmen.

Can a first-year with Sophomore standing from AP credits (since before Fall quarter) have Pass Time at the tail end of most Freshman? That is the experience being reported this year.

I’m unsure of the question. I don’t believe the standing is given until winter quarter of freshman year. So if you are asking if you think they would have sophomore standing when they enter as a Freshman in the fall, the answer would be yes. My daughter said it happened automatically to her - she was told by her advisor that she had sophomore standing and it appeared on her student academic record in the winter quarter of freshman year. Perhaps it takes that long to get everyone sorted.

Sorry. Yes, reporting is that the registration portals have indicated SOPHOMORE standing since at least Winter Pass Time (November?)

I wonder if the College and/or Major has an effect, but I will bow out because I don’t have a definitive answer on this matter. Just wanted to share a contrary experience.

Also wondering out loud if things have changed between your daughter’s experience in 2019 and the current entering students.

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Interesting how UCs seem to handle this differently. At UCB, registration times are assigned by terms at UCB not number of units. I was curious about UCD and found this but it could be out of date. It seems that at least in 2020, times were assigned based on number of units, but AP units were explicitly excluded from the count. https://gdb.ucdavis.edu/sites/g/files/dgvnsk8766/files/inline-files/4.%20All%20About%20Pass%20Times-1.pptx This info could be specific to this major but seems unlikely. Definitely worth while digging for more info if it’s important for decisions.

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It’s possible it’s changed. My eldest daughter is graduating this June and is still seeing her senior pass times work as they should as is my other daughter who has junior standing.

I guess it’s also possible that those reporting problems with their pass time are either guessing about the other students they are competing with or have some information wrong somewhere.

This website explains how many units equate to your ‘class level’.

Registration Pass Times.

There is no mention of AP credit not counting towards your ‘class level’ for your pass time. More information here:

Looks like the what credit you can use may change from college to college and major to major.

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Also, there are situations where departments can have their own priorities. For example, you can see UCB CS registration priority here:

Regarding AP credit at UCs, note that UC policy is to remove duplicate credit. So if a student has AP calculus credit but takes calculus 1, the student should not expect credit for both.

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Yes agreed but I think that affects who can enroll at different phases but not what day and time you’re actually assigned for the different phases (earlier times for each phase preferred because more spots are still open, assuming you have permission to even enroll in a given class).

While tuition is increasing each year, it’s great that the price is locked in for six years.

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At UCLA complaints of unfairness caused them to change their policy.

When determining appointment groups, a student’s applicable units earned/completed and current term units in progress are included. Advanced placement (AP) and international baccalaureate (IB) units are not included except when calculating degree units for those who have completed 160 units and declared candidacy to graduate in the next two terms.
Undergraduate Enrollment Passes | UCLA Registrar’s Office

Also discussed in Daily Bruin article AP, IB credit no longer to be factored in enrollment priority at UCLA - Daily Bruin

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Thanks, I hadn’t seen this but suspected as much. I believe it’s the same reason that UCSB dropped priority enrollment for regents- it creates/perpetuates an uneven playing field.

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My son is also deciding between these same 2 programs, and in addition to the “pros” you listed for Chico, I just recently learned there are some not-so-great changes in UCSC’s AGPM major. Perhaps you were already aware, but thought I would share nonetheless:

This isn’t correct, the 2023-24 budgets show tuition and fees of $15,288 for new students.


And a triple in the residence halls with 14 meals per week (gold slug) would be $16,463.


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Lol. That’s my daughter’s question on Reddit! :joy:.

There is a really good article and podcast available on the UCSC website explaining their thought process behind the changes which it seems like current agpm students haven’t fully understood. Also, I think it’s important to bear in mind that people fear change.

The podcast in particular made me feel a lot better about the changes. My daughter has a contact at Riot games who knows faculty in the design department at UCSC and those in the industry seem unfased by the changes so far.

Here is the 18 minute podcast: Art of Change Podcast: Michael Chemers | arts.ucsc.edu

It’s completely correct with regard to the financial aid planner my daughter received.

$18,000+ includes all fees including health care.

The numbers I quoted were the totals given to my daughter. Of course there are different ways of quoting that number, I just took worse case totals we were given.

So funny! Well, thank your daughter for posting that question! And thanks for sharing the podcast. Super helpful. I agree that people tend to fear change in general, and so there is always some panic surrounding a switch from what people are familiar with. So many things to take into consideration with this decision, with post-dorm housing at UCSC being a significant one. Best of luck with the decision process!