Why Scotland?

Aside from price, what would draw one to study abroad in Edinburgh over landmarks such as London, Rome, Barcelona, etc.? Scotland seems difficult to navigate around Europe from and a better place to visit, rather than spend a semester. But, I hardly know anything about it and am looking to keep my options open. Thanks all-

Have you thought about posting your question on the massive Uni of Edinburgh thread in this very forum?

If you can’t read a map in Scotland, you won’t be able to read one in Rome or Barcelona either.

Also, try simply Googling it!

Factors that draw a person to study in Edinburgh > Rome, Barcelona, London? Academic course, university ranking, and language come to mind.

But the question on the face of it misses the point: what do you want from your semester abroad? Are you just looking to spend a term in Europe and do some partying and site-seeing? Do you want to in an American bubble (living and taking classes with other study abroad students) or integrated with the ‘regular’ students? What are your language skills and what do you wan them to be? What subject will you be studying abroad, and how does the university rank for that subject? What is the actual academic environment of the places you are considering (how are you taught- lectures or seminars? or evaluated- continuing assessment or a single exam at the end of the term? tests or papers?). What have other students who have come back from the program said about how it is run? etc., etc., etc.