Why UChicago Essay Research Help!

I’m writing my Why UChicago Essay, and am trying to research which professors teach what courses in the biology/pre-med field. I’m also wondering if there is any place where I can find what courses I will be taking sophmore year and up. Thanks so much!!

College catalog to the rescue. You can look up any major under Program of Study:


There is no department of Pre-Med but there is the Biological Sciences Division: https://biologicalsciences.uchicago.edu/ And there is Pre-Med advising: https://careeradvancement.uchicago.edu/uchicago-careers-in/health-professions

Now the caveat: keep in mind that most schools, and ALL selective schools, have great biology divisions, profs and career advising. So be careful that you don’t merely repeat what you’ve looked up online because doing so will not make for an interesting or distinctive essay. They want to know what it is about the UChicago educational experience that really speaks to you. Research is important, but don’t stop there.

Of course, the Why Us is meant for more than courses or profs you’d be interested in.