Why we love the UW

<p>UW</a> Summer Sweet Spots - The Memorial Union Terrace - YouTube</p>

<p>There are several other videos highlighting the UW campus in summer. Unfortunately most undergrads aren’t around to enjoy them in summer. Still nice the other 3 seasons, though.</p>

<p>Here are a handful of reasons I loved it:</p>

<p>1) Taking Finite Math with a prof who wore moon boots with his shirt/tie/slacks. </p>

<p>2) Making beer in Botany (Plants and Man)</p>

<p>3) The Badgers - sports. Singing Varsity, If You Want To Be a Badger… 5th quarter, etc.</p>

<p>4) The parties – both when we threw them as upperclassmen, and when we walked a mile to them (E.G. from Sellery A, across State, to Franklin street…) in -40 wind chill temps as underclassmen.</p>

<p>5) State street as an upperclassman: Bull Feathers, Red Shed, etc. The Big A** Burger Challenge at Brats… burritos as big as your head at La Bamba (now closed, sadly).</p>

<p>6) The Union/Mendota and the view from the top of Bascom Hill, down State, to the capitol. </p>

<p>7) Ogg sucks </p>

<p>8) That week or two in the spring when the women take off their sweatshirts and sweatpants in favor of tank tops and shorts.</p>

<p>Honestly… they were the best four years of my life. I want to clear something up – professors (PhDs, often the guys who co-wrote the books) teach lectures at UW. At least, they taught mine. TAs teach discussions/labs. Listening to some people rip on the 25th most prestigious school in the world (according to the Times reputation rankings), you’d think grad students taught all the classes…</p>

<p>Ah, something else:</p>

<p>Multiple choice exams… with like 13 options for each questions. So instead of just A through D, your choices were like A through M. </p>

<p>I remember that from at least a couple of the intro classes. They had to grade a hundred tests or more, so they liked multiple choice… but they wanted to decrease the odds of a lucky guess; they wanted to actually test whether we knew the content. If I didn’t know one, I’d guess C and toss a penny into a fountain to help bolster the 8ish% chance… hehe</p>