<p>College stress is going to kill me before I even get there.
Anywho, I'd love it if you'd chance me for UNC Chapel Hill (OOS), Duke, Emory, and Rice.
I'll try to chance back, but if I'm making this thread, how much do I really know?</p>
<p>Ethnicity/gender: White female
Income Bracket: parents divorced, primary household income <30k
High School: large competitive public school that opened in 2008 (I'll be the first class to go all 4 years)
Intended Major: Neuroscience or Biology</p>
<p>1) GPA:
UW - 3.96
W - 4.26
Because I have no urge to type all of my classes and grades out,
<a href="http://i52.tinypic.com/2941hn8.jpg%5B/url%5D">http://i52.tinypic.com/2941hn8.jpg</a>
here ya go.</p>
<p>2) Rank: 14/543 </p>
<p>3) **9 AP classes when I graduate - 3 Junior year, 6 Senior year <a href="Junior%20year:%20Lit%20(A)%20-%204%20on%20the%20AP%20test,%20Calculus%20AB%20(B)%20-%204%20on%20the%20AP%20test,%20Calculus%20BC%20(A)%20-%203%20on%20the%20AP%20test,%20%0ASenior%20year:%20Psychology,%20Biology,%20Lang,%20Human%20Geo,%20Euro,%20Stats">/b</a></p>
<p>4) ACT: 32 Comp both times, 33 superscore
first time - Eng:35, Math:31, Sci:28, Reading:32.
second time - Eng:34, Math:29, Sci:32, Reading:34.
Tempted to retake... not sure though.</p>
<p>5) Volunteering
-Mission trip to Bronx '09
-Mission trip to Boston '10
-Salvation Army every week
-Big Sister (Big Brothers/Big Sisters)
-2-4 hours a week helping at an urban garden/farm downtown
-I'm trying to see if I can set up being able to volunteer at a Pet Shelter in August that will last until May. (10+ hours a month)
-Math and biology tutor (tutor math at a tutoring place downtown... sort of like Sylvan?)
<a href="Because%20of%20my%20Bronx%20trip,%20my%20main%20focus%20is%20volunteering%20for%20the%20underpriviledged/homeless">b</a>**</p>
<p>5) EC's and random things:
(Responsible for taking and picking up 3 other kids (1 is a sibling) from school because there's no bus and they have no other way home, so it hinders my chances to do a lot of ECs)
-Two Duke TIP summer studies (one for Art and Architecture, the other for Clinical Psychology)
-Questbridge College Prep Scholar, attended the Yale conference
-TSA (Technology Student Association). I've placed in the top 3 at Regionals, State, and Nationals 16 times, was president as an 8th grader if that matters haha.
-National Honor Society (possible officer senior year)
-Leo Club (possible officer senior year)
-Science Club
-STEM Girls Sorority (too weird to explain lol)
-first ever Student of the Month (HEY, I AM PROUD.)
-Awards for all A's, minus one semester.</p>