Will a C in midyear report kills my chance (RD)?

<p>Hi everyone. Tragically I got a C+ in US History and Government and a B in my English class. But ironically... I got As in all AP and college courses... I'm applying to electrical engineering, will they severely hurt my chance?</p>

<p>First semester class:
Senior English B
US History and Government C+ (well... it's not AP)
Health Issues A
Orchestra A
General Physics (Calculus) A
Computer Science I A</p>

<p>and I have a heavy course load in second semester:
Senior English
US History & Government
Differential Equations
Discrete Mathematics
Abstract Algebra
Advanced Calculus (analysis)
Computer Systems
Data Structures
Programming Systems
General Physics (Calculus)</p>

<p>the schools I applied and required mid-year are
Cornell University
Carnegie Mellon University
Duke University
Harvey Mudd College
University of Michigan Ann Arbor</p>

<p>no chance in any above schools?</p>

<p>This is my first C in all 4 years, and I’ve explained in additional information section before the final grade comes out…</p>

<p>anyone…? I’m so stressful… :(</p>

<p>i know exactly what you’re going through…I’ve had excellent grades (A plus) in everything except bc calc this year…mid B. I’m hoping things will go well though. stay positive, and hope for the best. gien your record of excellence, it will not affect you significantly, if it all.</p>

<p>If you get a more definitive answer on this from an authority, can you private message me? I’m just as stressed as you are, bro.</p>

<p>Hey, a “B” isn’t really a problem… I think you’re fine. Most of the people I’ve seen here were asking what they can do if they got a C in Calc BC or Physics C. Mine is kind of different… I ace in every math and science (include linear algebra and electromagnetism), but I’m terrible in social studies (never get an A except freshmen year)… I hope engineering schools won’t held this as the reason to reject me…</p>

<p>can anyone help this question?</p>

<p>I don’t think so. I’m not an admissions officer, but I think they know that you have to go through a lot during your first semester, i.e College apps, essays, SAT/ACT, etc. I think they would cut you some slack if you did good in all other classes.</p>