Will i be deferred?

<p>3.5 uw gpa decent amount of Aps/honors</p>

<p>700 math 560 reading 540 writing 1260/1600 1800/2400</p>

<p>good ecs/recs/essays</p>

<p>oos (ohio)</p>

<p>Wisconsin should've got everything by 12/4</p>

<p>Do you think i will be accepted, deferred, rejected?? and... When do you think I will be notified??</p>

<p>Let us know when you hear. 50-50</p>

<p>is that 50 50 accept reject? or 50 25 25 accept deferred rejected?</p>

<p>i would expect a response in the 2nd week of january</p>

<p>50 percent in outright, at least 30 percent deferred. I think its unlikely your rejected outright, your within their "range". My file was complete on Nov. 22. I still haven't heard. I'm expecting any day now. But given the holiday, I'd expect probably the first week of January for me because the admissions office likely wont be running full steam next week. By Jan 15 for you.</p>

<p>The last one. I think eventually you will get in unless they cut the class size due to over-enrollment this Fall.(about 700 more than expected)</p>

<p>you're late, you will be deferred, without a doubt.</p>

<p>is early december really that late???</p>

<p>goblue, I haven't even submitted my recommendations and transcript yet...so no worries. ;)</p>

<p>rodlo what r ur stats?</p>

<p>OOS (Illinois)
GPA: 3.8/4.0 (all honors)
ACT: 29
Rank: 92/529 (Top 20%)</p>

<p>Good essay, good recs, good/average ec's</p>

<p>yea i wouldnt be worried either with a 3.8 and a 29</p>

<p>Nah, I'm still completely worried if what barrons says about over-enrollment this fall is true. I've kind of just learned that there is nothing else I can do except cross my fingers and wait, so why stress over it? ;)</p>

<p>wait... whats this about over-enrollment</p>

<p>They made some comments about the over-enrollment this past year. 6K+ enrolled, when it was around 5.5-5.8 in other years. I think it was even in the student papers where this was mentioned. I'd look for the admissions rate to drop slightly this year. Pure speculation, though.</p>

<p>The target is 5500-5600. They had more yield than expected so they MIGHT lower the acceptances this year. UM had the same thing happen</p>

<p>Bummer. :p</p>