<p>I am a fair student. My grades are not that impressive. I have 2.9 w gpa, 2.65 uw. My SAT score was 1340: 800 math, 260 critical rading, 280 on writing. Bring from Ghidirim, Transnistria, a small outside town of Ribnita. English is obviously not my first language. My dream has ben to attend school in America since my ancestors went to Harvard. i not have any strong connections to Northwestern but my family is friends with one of their greatest alumni, Stephen Colbert. We know him threw business. How are my chances of geting in? And will i meet more people from Transnistria?</p>
<p>I don’t want to upset you here but with your current scores, you don’t really have a chance of getting in. You need at least 600s in your critical reading and writing sections. Passion for the school will definitely get you somewhere by way of essays but Northwestern takes academics into very deep consideration. As for meeting more people from your country, I’ve never heard of Transnistria but I googled it (haha just out of interest). There’s definitely an international presence at NU from what I hear but it’s impossible to tell if you’ll meet other people from your country.</p>
<p>But if you want to have a shot at getting into Northwestern, retake the SATs and up your academics.</p>
<p>I’m sorry, but I have to agree with nutterbutter. Your math is obviously solid, but it simply not enough. NU wants high GPAs combined with great test scores… Alumni connections won’t help that much, I’m sorry. :(</p>
<p>Wow, you know Stephen Colbert?!</p>
<p>Your scores aren’t strong enough. Northwestern with a 2.9? Not going to happen. Retake the SAT though. Your math is amazing but lacking reading and writing. I suggest you take the TOEFL. Its for people whom English is their second or third language. You will probably have a much better chance with that. I’m sure that they will take some extra consideration if you have that coming from an entirely different country though.</p>