<p>right now i have gpa of 3.86 (unweighted) and 3.95(weighted)
SAT= 2000 the last try, possibly 2100+ this october
Chinese 800
Math 2 : 770
Biology E: 710</p>
<p>took AP Stats and AP bio ( the scores are not out yet )
and also our school doesnt offer a lot of APs</p>
<p>community service hours 300+
First Author and Presenter of a medical conference called SSR
Intern and Trainee at lab in University of British Columbia
Intern at lab in department of physiology for 3 years
volunteered at hospital and served as information center group leader ( for 3 years )
english teacher at local orphange
vice president and treasurer of the international club
piano teacher for little kids</p>
<p>Right now its a definite reach, gotta bring up the SAT realistically into the upper 2200’s to have a chance.</p>
<p>Also your GPA to at least a 3.9 UW.</p>
<p>@ nothingto, this is the second chance thread in a row where I have read posts by you that simply criticize and offer no ways of improvement. If you are going to chance people at least do it meaningfully and not just do stupid one liners.</p>
<p>To get into columbia you do not need a GPA of “at least a 3.9 UW”, although this would help there are many factors in the decision making process for universitites.</p>
<p>To be honest I do not think your chances are that high until you improve upon your SAT if you can get a 2150 or 2200+ then your chances would go up by at least 10%. </p>
<p>Didn’t really write too much about yourself but extrapolating from the ECs you provided I would say that they are very good and with your SAT up these ECs could help you get in.</p>
<p>I would probably also retake the SAT II Biology to get at least a 760…Good luck!</p>
<p>^I agree. Also, do you know how you are ranked? That might also help. If you increased your SAT score by about a 100-200 points, that would definitely help your chances.</p>
<p>I told him, he needs to improve his GPA if he wants to have a chance at Columbia. I don’t need to make damned 5 liners to put that out. Columbia is one of the most selective schools, and having anything below a 3.9 will hurt you in the Ivy’s. Do you think Columbia will care about his below 3.9 GPA with other thousands of perfect appliers, with almost perfect SAT and EC score? What do you want me to do? Make 5 lines on explaining how to improve his GPA? I just added to jkaufmans post about the SAT.</p>
Did not understand what you were saying in your post. Was kind of already upset because of what you said in a different thread. And I think the ECs will correct the gpa, not that it needs to be corrected, it is not bad. Not everyone is a GPA god…(myself…cough cough)</p>
<p>Just write about your passions connected to your ECs and you might be able to get in. (After improving the SAT of course)</p>
<p>Then what post? His EC’s aren’t outstanding enough to correct his GPA. It’s the same as the average applier to Columbia or ivys. Though his ED might give him a much needed advantage. </p>
<p>You should understand criticizing someone is better then telling them that there on track. Criticism is the only way he can improve on his mistakes. Telling him he is good will just leave space for disaster. He could have missed something crucial, and in the ivy leagues you don’t and can’t let that happen.</p>
<p>Sorry I believe in optimism not pessimism.
Tell me how all of his ECs are “average”</p>
<p>community service hours 300+
Intern and Trainee at lab in University of British Columbia
Intern at lab in department of physiology for 3 years
volunteered at hospital and served as information center group leader ( for 3 years ) </p>
<p>I am pretty darn sure that the average for someone at Columbia did not intern at two different places, one for 3 years, and volunteer at a hospital for 3 years</p>
Please do not listen to them and no matter what people say apply to Columbia, because if you do apply there is always a chance. Just be sure to express who you are and be very personal (lots of voice) in your application</p>
<p>For those of you that don’t know the ED acceptance rate for columbia is: 22%, with an SAT score increase and good essays she(assuming from username
) has a chance.</p>
<p>phxfire, Colleges, especially Ivy’s don’t hold community service with too much salt. There was someone with 1200+ hours of community service who was rejected from Harvard. I saw many intern at different places for many years, and still get rejected from HYP. Do you think he has a chance at columbia, especially when his SAT and GPA is not up to par? Columbia’s admission rate is 9.5%. Optimism isn’t going to help much without criticism.</p>
<p>Before you post please, research and read what the OP says, she said ED</p>
<p>9.5% is for overall acceptance rate which includes regular decision.
The ED acceptance rate ranges from 19-24%
[Columbia</a> University | Admissions Facts and Statistics](<a href=“http://www.admissionsconsultants.com/college/columbia.asp]Columbia”>http://www.admissionsconsultants.com/college/columbia.asp)
[Admission</a> Statistics: Acceptance Rates - Early vs. Regular | InLikeMe](<a href=“http://www.inlikeme.com/admission-statistics-acceptance-rates-early-vs-regular.html]Admission”>http://www.inlikeme.com/admission-statistics-acceptance-rates-early-vs-regular.html)</p>
<p>I’m really tired of arguing with you just please, please (I’m begging here) offer constructive advice because believe it or not your posts could influence someones decisions.</p>
<p>phxfire, Read my post before the latest one.</p>
<p>"Though his ED might give him a much needed advantage. "</p>