Will I get into Madison?

Hey guys,
I’m wondering what my chances are for UW Madison. I have a 33 ACT, 3.6 UW GPA 4.3 W GPA, played soccer all 4 years. Will I be good?

I think you have an excellent chance. Don’t worry.

What state do you live in?

If you’re from WI, you’re almost certainly in.

If you’re from another state, the GPA might move it into “match” territory… i’d say “probably” but it shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Likely in but don’t count on it- have other schools on your list.

Your ACT is right where it needs to be. If you are a WI resident all the better.

According to their own institutional analysis they admit about 91% of applicants in the 30-36 range and are actively seeking ways to enroll more high scoring (30-36) WI residents. Either way, you are in good shape. Your GPA is below their average of 3.85; however, it’s within the 94% of enrolled with 3.5 or higher - hopefully you have followed their advice as to course rigor and college prep.

(page one, point 3: https://apir.wisc.edu/admissions/Admission_of_High_Scoring_Wisconsin_ACT_Testers.pdf)
(Sections C.11-12: https://apir.wisc.edu/publisherssurvey/CDS_2015-2016.pdf)

Given the 33 ACT you are probably safe. Just make sure your senior year 1st sem. grades are good because that mid-year report is likely going to be submitted before they finalize any decisions. Also, make sure your essays and rec letters speak well of your abilities. If they end up needing to take a second look at you those components will come into play.

One thing to keep in mind is that UW-Madison currently admits about 2/3 of its residents and over 50% of its domestic OOS applicants. A 33 ACT with a GPA right below an A- isn’t going to be turned away given those admission rates unless there is good reason for doing so.

(page 3: https://apir.wisc.edu/admissions/New_Freshmen_Applicants.pdf)

Good luck to you!

Thanks for everybody’s responses. Unfortunately for my chances I’m an IL resident, but I’ve taken 7 AP’s so hopefully that helps with the lower GPA.

@leonardo36 that lowers your probability from 67% to 51%, all else equal. I’m putting my money on your number.