will MBA programs like or laugh at this type of work history?

<p>so i graduated in 06 with a business degree, im 26, I have 4.5 yrs of work experience roughly half before and half after graduation, they include:</p>

<p>before graduation
18 months phone sales for a major cell phone carrier
12 months as a legal assistant in small law office</p>

<p>after graduation
3 months as loan manger for a major bank
7 months of phone support of credit card holders for a major bank
15 months as IT Tech (remote desktop) support for major shipping company.</p>

<p>no leadership stuff, thats what has me worried. but i did gain perspective which i think would help me be a good manager.</p>

<p>my GPA is a 3.50, and i speak a second language if that matters. ty.</p>

<p>To me it looks like you cannot hold down a job. </p>

<p>But not all MBA programs are the same. My friend received her MBA recently and she was a hairdresser for 12 years.</p>

<p>I guess it would depend on what university you want an MBA from. After the top 25 it seems they will take anyone in an efforts to get your funds. definitely a LAC</p>

<p>Apply you having nothing to loseā€¦</p>