Will my admission to UCLA be revoked with these grades?

<p>I’ve already been accepted to UCLA, and I am just finishing my 2nd semester this year. I know that students are expected to maintain a 3.0 unweighted GPA. Are these grades okay?</p>

<p>ASB (prep): A+
AP Calculus: C
AP Government: B
AP Psychology: B
AP Spanish: B
AP English: B
Theology (H): B</p>

<p>That’s exactly a 3.0, so yeah you should be ok.</p>

<p>So the class that the grade is in doesn’t matter, like if it’s a prep or AP class? Only the letter grade counts?</p>

<p>As long as you don’t have any D’s or F’s your fine</p>

<p>or yea, straight B’s is a 3.0 average so just bring that C up. they don’t count the AP credit when it comes to this i think because i know a D or F will get u packin</p>

<p>Alright cool. So that means a C- is fine too right?</p>