Will my math keep me out?

<p>all my sats are good except for my math, will this keep me out? i couldn't find stats on the average writing sats for washu, does this mean they don't count that section? that would kill my score. with that in mind what are my chances for:</p>


<p>GPA 4.0 (unweighted)
SAT (super score) 2190
reading 760
math 660
writing 770
literature 730
us history 690
AP calc ab
AP environmental science
AP english
AP psychology
adv gov and politics
adv spanish 4
*advanced is our school's equivalent of an honors class
ap english
ap us history
all other advanced
ap world civ
all other advanced</p>

<p>ap world civ 5
ap english 4
ap us history 4</p>

varsity cross country (9,10,11,12 team captain)
varsity track (9,10, 11, season hasn't started in 12)
school literary magazine (10 co-editor)
cabbage patch house volunteer (10, 11 80 hours)
beta club
assistant coach for brothers cross country team (20 hours)
church festival volunteer (30+ hours)
habitat for humanity volunteer</p>

<p>National Merit Semifinalist
2008 Kentucky Governor's Scholar
Academic All-State CC and Track (9,10,11)
All-State CC</p>

good (one typo in unc essay)
two solid recs
she doesn't know me at all in a school of 2,000 but hopefully she can bs</p>

<p>I am applying RD
I checked that i am also applying for need based aid, but my family will probably not qualify to receive any
I visited all three schools</p>

<p>well I don’t think your 4.0 GPA is gonna cause any problem.</p>

<p>:) bump…</p>

<p>I really don’t see it causeing a problem b/c everything else is solid. every wall has a crack, they don’t mean the wall will fall.</p>

<p>rebump… :)</p>

<p>don’t apply there early… you’ll take my spot! jk, but ur stats are great and a 660 is not too shabby! ahh… i want to go to UNC CHAPEL HILL SO bad! my bro goes there!</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>haha i feel like that all the time on here, i loved unc too, but i had a slight mess up on my app, so i am worried ( i put i graduated in 2005, i emailed them but they never gave a personal response…hmmm and there was a small typo in my essay…we’ll see though :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance.:)</p>

<p>The math isn’t a problem in my opinion.
Plus, you’re in a good geographic area (Kentucky, I assume?)
Add that with the mid 700s on SATs, Hard course load with all those APs, and good ECCs, I say you’re in.
Emory may not work if you’re applying business. Wash U in St. Louis should be good, and UNC Chapel Hill should be as well.
Good Luck!</p>

<p>thanks for the input so far, anymore chances…ill chance back :)</p>
