<p>I was curious to know whether or not you guys believed that all this preparation actually makes you a smarter person in a non-SAT aspect. I personally believe it has no merit whatsoever, but either way I still need to prepare.</p>
<p>You’re right. The SAT’s do not help you in any way in real life what so ever. That doesn’t mean you should prepare and do well in them though, because getting in the college you want to get in does help you in real life.</p>
<p>yeah prepare for the test will likely to prepare for other standardized test by the collegeboard also</p>
<p>To an extent, I feel that it does.</p>
<p>^^^ Not exactly. For example, I can now spot grammatical errors in essays I write. :D</p>
<p>I can tell you that in the “real world” as they say, you are much more likely to write a quick 25 minute essay/article than you are an AP DBQ or long research paper unless you are in an academic field. It is good to be able think on your feet like you have to do on the 25 or 30 minute essay on the SAT or ACT. Using good grammar and having strong vocabulary knowledge is a plus too.</p>
<p>I definitely think it has helped: grammar, vocab, timing, and refined reasoning skills</p>
<p>I think it really does.</p>
<p>Writing: Never had a problem with basic grammar in the first place. Why should I learn to hate the passive tense? The passive tense allows me to attach certain connotations in my writing for a subtle effect. And no matter how “real world” you may say, good writing NEVER comes in 25 minutes. A quick 25 minute essay would probably turn out pretty crappy as compared to a one hour essay in which that 25 minute essay was revised extensively.</p>
<p>Math: Learning to not make reckless mistakes in math may actually be helpful :0. </p>
<p>Reading: Don’t ever need to know words past their basic definition (throw usage out the window), thinking is shunned, and those who draw inferences and read the subtext get lower raw scores. I basically take everything I’ve ever learned in school and butcher it to the collegeboard standards.</p>
<p>I’m thinking this is really opinion based.
For me, it definitely has improved my knowledge in terms of thinking logically and learning a wide range of vocabulary and grammar usage/basics.</p>
<p>Preparing for a test that covers material to an extent of over 5 years shows one’s willingness to exert him or herself. I’d imagine someone who studied for the SAT for a rigorous 6 months would do similiary in college or for another standardized test(MCATS, etc)</p>
<p>I think that it will help you in terms of Critical Reading (reading efficiently for things like textbooks and using high level vocabulary rather than basic layman vocabulary) and Writing (writing with proper grammar and proofreading essays), but definitely it will not help with math.</p>