Will school rescind offer due to summary offense?

I recently got into my dream school and one of the top schools in the world for Physics graduate school. However, I have a summary offense on my record for disorderly conduct from 5 years ago that is in the process of getting expunged. The school is not aware of this, since they did not ask about it on the application. I am aware that a background check is performed upon acceptance of an offer. Is it likely that my summary offense would be grounds for reneging my offer? I need to know before I decline my other offers, just in case I get this offer taken away. Thanks!

Well, if this school has a problem with your background check, why do you think others won’t have the same problem? You have until April 15 to decide so don’t decide now but wait until the decision date or close to it. Graduate programs form legitimate programs have all agreed that they cannot compel students to decide before April 15.

It’s unlikely that a disorderly conduct charge from five years ago will cause the program to rescind your application - that’s such a minor charge that could’ve been due to virtually anything. Since a background check is performed and the school is going to find out about it anyway, I’d be proactive and just ask about it. Let them know that you have a minor disorderly conduct charge [for attending a protest/going to a party in undergrad/whatever the explanation was, although I’d leave this part out if it was something really obnoxious or negative] from 5 years ago that you’re actually getting expunged from your record, but you just wanted to make them aware of it in case they came across it on the background check. Don’t let it be a surprise.