Will "Tailoring" a UC application hurt my chances at other UC'S?

Had a quick question about my UC application. I am applying to all the UC’s except UCR and UCM, however my application reads like it is tailored to Davis. While Davis is not my first choice, it is the only UC I am applying to with Agriculture, and alot of my EC’s revolve around Agriculture. My parents own a farm and I worked as a farmhand for a for-profit nearby farm for te past 4 years. I started a club revolving around Agriculture and 4/5 of my volunteer experience revolves around agriculture. While I would love to go to Davis and study agriculture, I don’t want this to hurt my applications to other schools. Will the admissions people think I am focusing on Davis? I applied to environmental science majors at the other UC’s.
I also wrote one of the essays about my farm and its impact on me. My 1st choice UC is UCSB.


How would you change your app? Those ARE your ECs. Your application isn’t tailored to Davis, it’s a reflection of an interesting student. :slight_smile: