Will the Computers Based Honors Program at the University of Alabama look at senior classes?

I am going to be a senior in high school and I am considering taking some additional AP classes, does CBHP look at senior class schedule and grades in determining admission? Will taking extra AP’s increase my odds of admission? I know for scholarships and regular admissions they only look at 9th-11th, but I was wondering if CBHP was different.

Current Schedule :
AP Physics C
AP Calc BC
AP Psychology
Concurrent enrollment Literature
Financial literacy/Government
3 free periods

Would switching into AP lit and AP computer science help?

Thanks in advance!

I don’t know the answer to this specific question, but please don’t have 3 open periods your senior year! It is not time to coast (not saying you are). It will all be good prep for the rigor of college and keep your time management skills sharp.

@aeromom I think the three open periods above are PE, Lunch, Study Hall. That would give 8 class periods which is standard. PE could be taken in the 0 class period (before school official start) so then 9 class periods. Not an uncommon practice because AP Calc BC is usually a double period class.

The CBH program will see your senior course list, but not your grades, for the initial application. If you are placed on the waitlist, please keep in contact with them and update as you receive your grades. Very many students are accepted off the waitlist.

@springy179. Just to clarify for the OP the term “many” is misleading. There are only 40 accepted students to CBH each freshman year. Due to changes in plans, some spots may open for wait list individuals, but there are still only 40 students entering the program yearly.

@CyclonesGrad , PE is not required by all states nor for all 4 years of high school in some states. OP is from Utah. This student, based on his interests, should, in my opinion, take AP Computer Science, as that sounds useful to his activities. 6 (or even 7) core classes is not too much for this high stat student. Good luck, @FTCkid.

CBH’s freshman classes are intense programming focused. Having exposure to programming would be helpful for those classes.