Will they really not release federal student loans?

https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackfriedman/2020/08/07/student-loans-trump-suspend-payments/#5468398383ca Trying not to be political, but… really?

So the update looks like what they will do is defer the payments/interest. That’s helpful.

That is what is currently happening, but it’s set to end October 31st. The EO would extend it an additional two months, until the end of December. The Dem proposal included extending the relief for an additional year, I believe. I don’t think the Republican proposal included any immediate relief like the current relief (it was more about changing repayment options).

I think he’s just extending the current repayment and interest suspension.

Helps my kids.

we do need to adequately address the incredible costs associated with higher education today. A strong society cannot afford to offer a quality education only to the rich! We do this with private and/or public education. Either way we pay!

The current loan system is clearly not sufficient. We need to utilize our entire national talent pool.

It is not just a nice idea! Like national defense, we need this resource. We are throwing talent away when our children cannot afford higher education.

I agree with this in part. The issue of cost will be difficult to address because of the structure and expectations associated with America’s higher education system. There are many reasons why US colleges and universities are so expensive including large numbers of personnel, on campus residential facilities, expansive dining facilities/options, state of the art gyms and sports programs, and wide ranging areas of study. If you pared down higher education to education you could control costs. That is what community college entails for the most part. But that’s not what Americans want from their higher education system.

As many have pointed out they want the Mercedes for the price of a Honda.