<p>780 bio sat</p>
<p>3.78. GPA UW</p>
<p>31 out of 265</p>
<p>I have ECs, but I’m to lazy to post.
I should be getting 2 extremely strong letters of rec one of which is by my calc teacher who I think is well know locally because she got the Yale teacher of the year award or something like that. </p>
<p>Also kids with sub 1800 SAT get into WPI all the time from my school. I might be getting recruited by the RPI coach for running too (I am being recruited I just don’t know if the coach has spots like Trinity’s coach.)</p>
<p>If you want any more stats let me know.</p>
<p>Also on a side note I heard that if your family does not need any money from the school your chances are higher to get in. Is that true?</p>