I think I'm a smart innovative student. I get good grades and score well on tests, but I have a problem. My soon to be filled out applications will have very few EC's. I have so far participated in these clubs or sports (btw I'm a junior):
Football-3 years
Basketball-1 year
Spanish Tutoring- 1 year
Tech Club- 1 Year
Soon to be Member of NHS
International Relations Club- 1 year</p>
<p>Will this "screw" me next year? I don't plan on applying to the top colleges in the country nor do I plan on applying to the least selective. What can I do to try to repair this section on my app before next year rolls round? If it helps football takes up the majority of my time (only a few weeks off all year).</p>
<p>Sports count like ECs, good ECs.
Most colleges don’t care about ECs anyway. They make decisions based almost 100% on your stats and state of residence (if you’re applying to public schools).</p>
<p>Virtually the only colleges that pay lots of attention to ECs are top ones because they have an overabundance of high stat applicants and can thereby pick and choose to create the most diverse student body possible from among those outstanding students.</p>
<p>Colleges respect excellence, whether it is in sacking quarterbacks, playing the oboe, or feeding the homeless. A long list of activities with no real committment or achievement is unimpressive.</p>