Will this SAT Physics score get me rejected from COE?

<p>I just got my SAT Subject Tests score.
Math IIC-730, Physics-600, USH-650..</p>

<p>I apply for Cornell Engineering ED..
So I have no chance is it?</p>

<p>I was gona start the same thread. F---ed up physics bad</p>

<p>Does Cornell look at your two highest maths and sciences? or would they glance at our low physics marks and have second thoughts? Anyone?</p>

I was gona start the same thread.


same. </p>

<p>although i got a 700, but a 700 doesn't make me feel any better about my chances for COE.</p>

<p>yes, a sub-700 science score will hurt at any highly competitive engineering program. Suggest retake next month, or even January.</p>

<p>retake it. from what i've heard, they glance over that and ass long as they see a 7-something or 800, they tend not to give you negative points. a 600 for any of the schools would be a negative, but for physics and to CoE- this will be an eyeopener for sure.</p>

<p>what if you have a higher mark in another science? would they'd still give you negative points? man it was just a bad day...</p>

<p>physics holds special significance in engineering, although higher scores in other subjects always help. they expect high physics marks in CoE, as most will have them. dont sweat too much man. if it was a bad day, regroup and try again- im sure youll do better</p>

<p>Lol! I got a 600 on physics too, thank god I applied for a biology major at CALS. Hopefully they'll just ignore that score for me...</p>

<p>I had a 700, and was really scared of that score.</p>

<p>I hate SATs so damn much</p>

<p>so you guys who weren't happy with your scores, what are you gonna do? </p>

<p>are you retaking?</p>

<p>because i'm pretty sure the Dec test is the last opportunity.</p>

<p>you have a chance, but that chance is much lower than it should be because of that score</p>

<p>How did you all fail that test?? Physics was ridiculously easy!</p>

<p>I'm a slow test taker, I never took AP physics, so about 70 percent of the concepts and terminologies were unfamiliar, and I didn't prepare for it ahead of time :/. Oh well... CALS takes the two highest subject test scores right? Because I did average on those lol.</p>

<p>yeah... Standby Registration Dec- SATII Physics,, gona cram some serious PR and Barron, and kick some serious SAT butt,, since I'll probably get a guaranteed deference now anyways...man this hurts...</p>

<p>@cornellhopeful13 a 600 for a bio major is nothing like a 600 for a engineering major.</p>

<p>I know.</p>


<p>omg this doesn’t make me feel very confident…
i got a 660 in physics. i got a 760 in math II the same day, but honestly, so much of what was on the physics SAT II were topics that we did not have time to learn during class. i attempted to teach myself, i got a bit of help from my physics teacher, but there was WAY more on waves/light than i had anticipated. i wonder how much 1 question can affect a score, also. if i had had 10 more seconds, i would’ve gotten another one right…i was doing the math in my head just as they called time and figured out the answer as i was walking outside :frowning:
i got an A in honors physics last year, though, so maybe they’ll see that plus the fact that i took both tests the same day? maybe that’s tougher, mentally?
and honestly it would’ve been impossible to retake. i took it in june and even if i tried to teach myself from a book all summer, it would have been really hard to remember everything and be focused while not in the academic year.</p>

<p>why would you take the test if you didn’t take the ap course, 70% of the concepts and terminologies were unfamiliar to you, and if you didn’t prepare for it ahead of time? that doesn’t sound like a recipe for success to me… but what do i know</p>

<p>that said, it boggles me how you could have pulled off a 600.</p>

<p>It was more of a “I need a science subject test for CALS, which one can I guess the most accurately on?”</p>