Will top Colleges like MIT and HYPS care if I start taking AP’s Junior-Senior year

Thanks! I’m trying to show an upward trend really. Honestly, I’m going to do the 6 APs I have planned junior year. Then probably do the same amount or less senior year. Depending on how junior year plays out.

MIT also requires either the ACT or SAT. Have you taken those yet (probably not if you just finished your sophomore year). You should prep well for these and hope to get a high score.

Upward trend really reflects your grades…not JUST the number of AP courses you are taking.

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Yep! I am studying the SAT this summer

Yeah, my grades show an upward trend. Each semester I’ve improved. My first semester sophomore grades were A’s. But they’ve become higher A’s after semester 2.

I got a 97 in world history honors Sophomore year. While I got a 86 in regular world Geo freshman year. So I think that’s good!

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Thanks for the comments! I got a lot of valuable advice.

Final verdict:

I’m going to try 6 APs junior year. Depending on my performance, I’m going to decrease the rigor or keep it the same.

Thanks! My family doesn’t have much money. So I’m planning on paying on scholar ships and financial aid. I also want to try and apply to Quest bridge. Do in state colleges give Full rides to instate residents?

Im instate for Georgia Tech. I heard that it was a good College, especially for CS. So I want to try my luck there. Do you have any other recommendations for in state CS programs in GA?

There are a couple of scholarships in Georgia for high achieving high school students. Zell Miller and Hope are the ones I know. @jym626 do you have the details on what qualifies students for these.

@Mwfan1921 might be able to provide some scholarship insight, and perhaps info on Questbridge.

I would not put GTech in a generic good college category. It is an excellent college. It has one of the very best CS programs in the country and it is extremely competitive to get in. Also, like MIT, it is test required.

If you qualify for Questbridge you should definitely do that.


The zell and hope may possibly be changing a bit since the legislature made some positive changes to the scholarships


Georgia students can read up by registering here: Zell Miller Scholarship | Georgia Student Finance Commission

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Yep, I’m going to try really hard to be competitive for GA tech. Are my chances higher in state?

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Yes, your chances are higher as an in state applicant, but the fact is that CS is one of the most competitive majors so is a difficult admit for anyone. Definitely apply EA to GTech to be considered for scholarships (and EA any other schools that allow it).

With the Hope/Zell, full tuition will be covered with your GPA. I haven’t read up on the new legislation so I appreciate Jym sharing the link.

If you have ECs that indicate a commitment to service and leadership, you have a chance at the GT Stamps scholarship. Make sure to read up on the program and tailor your essay accordingly.

Do look into the requirements of Questbridge as soon as possible. Hopefully others will chime in with guidance, but it is my understanding that it is a longer application process. It is possible that privates may be the most affordable option with need-based aid or QB. However, you need a balanced list with safety and likely schools in addition to the reaches you mentioned.

Best of luck!


And unless things have changed, Val’s and sals are auto admits. Does your school rank?

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It appears you are scrambling to play catch up. Can I suggest rather than frantically trying to load up on AP classes and DE, which seems quite obvious, that you take a reasonable course load? Your odds are not going to be improved, imo, by cramming your last two years with APs. I agree with @thumper1 that seven APs in one year is probably excessive. If you can’t get high grades in all, it’s not going to look great.

Get the best grades you can and ensure you devote time to managing activities outside of school and not becoming crazily stressed out. Tippy top colleges are not just looking for rigorous academics, especially not at the expense of other components of the application.

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What AP’s do you recommend I drop junior year?.

I am interested in science, math, and computer science

Have you talked to your school counselor about your schedule for junior year? What do they think?

Yep my school ranks. I’m roughly in the top 6% (38/615). So I don’t qualify for auto admission sadly. I’ve only taken 3 honors classes in Highschool thus far. The rest are regular classes.

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I haven’t talked to my counselor yet, but my school has an AP contract. Agreeing that you cannot drop the class mid year. I have to sign it to agree to it, so I can drop it then. Move down to the honors version.