Will U of T screw me for grad school?

<p>I've heard the horror stories about grade deflation, but mostly from life sci and engineering students. I'm thinking of going to UTSG and specializing in the BSc in Linguistics & Computing, because it's the only program of its kind in Canada. After, I would like to go to grad school, probably in the States, for Computational Linguistics. </p>

<p>How prominent are bell curves in linguistics, computer science, math/statistics, philosophy, and language courses? These will be the ones I take, and I'm wondering how feasible a good GPA is (say, 3.4+) for someone who has a solid work ethic and achieved mid-high 90s marks in high school. Would I be better off going to McGill or UBC and double majoring in linguistics and CS?</p>

<p>you know, im kinda tired of hearing about people asking about grade deflation and grade inflation at schools. The fact is that people everywhere get A’s and B’s and if you do your work and learn the material, it can be you too wherever you go.</p>

<p>So NO I don’t think U of T will “screw” you over for grad school.</p>