Amen. It was a nightmare.
My electrician, who is GREAT, could not get a solar-ready 200 amp panel from any of his suppliers. On a whim, after dropping D at school, I stopped at an electrical supply store on the way home. Lo and behold, they had ONE 200 amp solar-ready panel. I called my electrician from the store, and he talked to the fellow at the shop. My electrician said “Buy it right now!”. Even if it didn’t work for me, he had tons of other customers who were looking for this kind of panel and he would be happy to buy it from me.
Then, we couldn’t find the hub to go with the panel. It’s just a piece of metal, with nothing fancy. My electrician couldn’t source, and I scoured all the Home Depots and Lowes within a 50-mile radius. I found a grand total of one store (a Home Depot about 40 miles away) that had the hub we needed. Needless to say, I drove there the next day and got one.
Finally, I decided to go the extra mile (so to speak) and get a charging station. I had been looking at ChargePoints since late last year. Now that we had everything, I thought, let’s get this too, with a 60amp station. Of course, Amazon, which used to sell it for approx $600 was now selling it for more than $900. Again, I searched the internet and found one from an electrical supply company on the East Coast for the original approx. $600 price
It is VERY difficult. I speak from very recent experience. But, working together with my electrician and both of us working at sourcing stuff, it worked out. We finally went live with our station this summer (having to deal with permits, city inspections, and the electric company), but it all worked out in the end.
Honestly, in the Bay Area, our biggest issues with the grid are fires and earthquakes. For fires, the electric company (PG&E) will shut down the electricity if conditions warrant (usually very dry and high winds), but that hasn’t happened in 2 years now. For earthquakes, well, that’s a different issue altogether…