Will you buy an electric or hybrid car next?

I’m not spreading FUD, I’m giving you the perspective of those currently unimpressed with EVs.

Plus EVs deliver instant torque that makes even “slow” EVs like the Bolt surprisingly fun to drive. And most/quick EVs put even hypercars to shame. My Model Y is a demon (if you want it to be) and the Rivian I am taking delivery on goes 0 - 60 in 3ish seconds, seats 7, and hauls a ton of gear. All at the same time.


You are ALL gonna be driving EVs sooner than you think. It’s no more of a cult than having a cellphone or a computer is a cult. This is the way the technology is going.


I will get another 10 years out of my Toyota, at a minimum. We’ll see where we are by then.

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I’d love to learn more when the range is extended. Until then, EVs are inferior to me.


Might I remind members of the forum rules: “Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."


Users are free to accept or reject a user’s opinion based on whatever criteria they choose. Another user can post an alternative PoV based on their experiences, but they can’t use this site to denigrate another’s view.

All posts which do not conform to these rules will be deleted.


Ouch, kinda harsh for cc.

I have two EV’s, so a big fan and agree with most of your User points. But I can see many like GK keeping their ICE vehicles another 10 years. Both of my kids love driving my Tesla’s but I have cautioned both against purchasing an EV since they are urban dwellers, with zero chance to charge at ‘home’ or office. I know with certainty that there is no way that they’d want to spend 20+ minutes sitting at a charger. Yes, charging technology will improve over time, but once that happens it will still be several years after technology improvement to upgrade all the existing charging stations. (And any public stations in city centers will the the last to be upgraded by government.)


I am completely in agreement with @GKUnion. There is a reason that EVs have not caught on quickly. There is purchase price of course, which is a major drawback, but the other issues are real. We travel long distance fairly regularly. Driving 600 miles a day is not unusual for us. For me now, this takes one stop for gas which takes about 10 minutes. Once EVs can match that, I will consider getting one. I am encouraged by the news from Toyota that indicates they are moving in that direction.

Those of you who have made the switch are obviously happy with your decision. That doesn’t mean that the decision is right for everyone. Please don’t be mean to those who think differently.


There was a recent article in the Boston Globe about a homeowner in the city who had to fight for 2.5 years to get the ability to park and charge his ev at his house.


600 miles a day not unusual? I’d wager that that use case puts you into a vanishingly small % of drivers. Also, you might have to stop 2x, for maybe 10 - 15 min per stop (since you don’t typically or need to charge to 100%). Is that really that big a difference for you?

People who live in apartments do face this added challenge, though I’ll note that both of the parking garages we used before leaving Manhattan offered EV charging.

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This had exactly zero to do with the charger installation and everything to do with getting approved to cut the curb. Curb cuts are and have long been a notoriously difficult thing to get, anywhere.


Well he needed the curb cut in order to be able to park the car and install the charger.

Of which there are millions, who won’t be buying an EV anytime soon.

Richard Thaler (Nobel, Economics): “If you want people to do something, make it easy.”

fwiw: my son’s expensive apt on teh UWS had a parking garage but no chargers.

The point is it didn’t take 2.5 years for anything remotely related to installing an EV charger. His living situation had a particular issue: a single family home with neither a garage nor a driveway. In that regard he’s somewhat similar to an apartment dweller.


Apartment dwellers have lower car ownership overall for obvious reasons.

I know apartment dwellers who have EVs. Of course they are people who aren’t afraid of new technology. One works for Microsoft.

How many days do you do that in a year?

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FWIW, I drive an EV, my older s has 2 EV’s (he and his W-- total electric family) and younger s just bought an EV. Younger s lives in an apt complex that has installed several universal chargers. He said it’s been a piece of cake. We are taking a road trip this weekend and taking my car. There are 3 chargers (2 tesla one universal) at the hotel. If they are busy I’ll find other superchargers. It really is a big nothing. And this is from someone who used to have range anxiety.

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I never bought a Betamax, and things turned out just fine.

Just think how cheap gas will be when 60% of the drivers are in EVs. :wink:

Couldn’t read the Boston Globe article.

My question would be for that homeowner, how far was he from a public charger? It sounds like his home, and information that he knew when he bought the home, that it came with neither a driveway nor a garage. So he purchased the home knowing he needed to park his car on the street.

My daughter lives in a similar east coast major city. They purchased a home that has a parking spot but no garage. No way to install an EV charger. And her fiancé parks in the dedicated spot because of his work schedule. Daughter gets home earlier and has always parked on the street. Not uncommon for city dwellers.

There is a charging station 1 block from her home. Where she charges her car. It’s not an imposition. It is not difficult. It’s pretty easy.

So she found a solution. Apparently the person in the article wanted to put a parking spot in his front yard where none has existed before. I wonder if his neighbors were afforded the same luxury?