Winter Session Legality

<p>So I have a maybe unique question;</p>

<p>My community college only allows people to take 4 credits over the winter. I need to take more, there is no way around this. I'm paying for my own education without FAFSA so no government benefits or anything, my own hard earned cash and I (long story short miscounted how much it would cost) and have a surplus of about 700 dollars.</p>

<p>My question is...there is a secondary community college. Can i ALSO take 2 winter classes there to, bringing my winter total to 10 credits? I know its hard but is it illegal at all if I'm paying for it myself?</p>

<p>People enroll in multiple community colleges all the time. Whether or not the first college will accept the credits from the second college (merge them into one transcript) is another thing entirely, but you may not need this. If your end goal is to transfer to a 3rd college (presumably a 4year college), most likely they will accept all your credits regardless of where they were taken (with the usual caveats).</p>