wisconsin emerging scholars email...?

<p>Did anyone else get a similar email?? I am wondering because i am absolutely terrible at math and have no clue why they would invite me to the computer science program of all things. Is this something that they are sending to everyone? Would it be worth it? I am already doing honors so I am not exactly sure i want to do this too...</p>

<p>It made me laugh a lot though :)</p>

Congratulations! Because of your excellent high-school record and
your strong math skills, you are invited to participate in an exciting
program at UW-Madison this fall:</p>

<p>Wisconsin Emerging Scholars - Computer Science (WES-CS)</p>

<p>Computer skills can help you in just about any major you choose,
and can open the door for you to careers that
o are challenging and creative
o allow you to make a difference in the world
o pay well </p>

<p>WES-CS is a program for students with and without prior computer
experience, and for students with and without an interest in
majoring in Computer Science or Engineering.</p>

<p>As a WES-CS student you will take cs302 (Introduction to Java
Programming). In addition to the regular class activities, you will
get to meet with a small group of other WES-CS students each week to
solve interesting and challenging problems. You will make good
friends, and learning the material will be easier and more fun! As a
WES-CS student you will
o enjoy working with other smart, motivated students;
o make friendships that will last through your years at UW;
o earn an extra credit for your WES-CS participation;
o satisfy the University's Quantitative-Reasoning requirement;
o probably be at the top of your class;
o have fun!</p>

<p>Space in WES-CS is limited. For authorization to register for WES-CS
you will need to visit the Computer Science Department representative
when you attend SOAR during the summer. (We'll send you a reminder
before you come to campus for SOAR.)</p>

<p>See the web page: [url=<a href="http://www.cs.wisc.edu/wes-cs%5DWES-CS%5B/url"&gt;http://www.cs.wisc.edu/wes-cs]WES-CS[/url&lt;/a&gt;] for more information.


<p>I think CS is trying to boost enrollment by seeking out talented kids who might major in it. CS majors are way down from a few years ago.
I took CS 302 but back then it was Intro to Fortran and we used punch cards for coding. Not for me.</p>

<p>I got a letter in the mail similar to that, but it wasn't for computer science. Mine was from the Department of Mathematics and calculus oriented.</p>

<p>I mean, I like math and all, but saying I'll get the privilege of six hours of math lecture a week versus two honestly doesn't appeal to my sensible side. ;P It's something to think about, though.</p>

<p>I wonder if they're sending these out based on our math placement score results, but that doesn't seem horribly likely.</p>

<p>I got that exact same e-mail... it made me giggle, because I have absolutely no intention of dabbling in (let alone majoring in) computer science. Humanities, here I come :D</p>

<p>Yeah I got the same thing too. Today I also got something in the mail and I thought I was getting my housing stuff a few days early, lol. Unfortunately they were just trying to get some more money from me..</p>

<p>SubMachineNips, are you talking about the "New Student Record" letter? Because I got that, and it doesn't seem completely legitimate. Could be, but it's not like I have the money to waste anyway.</p>

<p>I feel cheated :S I've written multiple games in the C programing language, one of which is bundled in a commercial product that you can get at places like walmart, and have done numerous other related things....yet, I don't' get a letter :(</p>


<p>Though, I probably won't be majoring in computer science unless I can fit it along with computer and electrical engineering. Computer science is maybe just a tad more theory and math than I want.</p>

<p>EDIT: I do find this whole post a little funny/ironic. :)</p>

<p>cbeley i think that is just further proof that it doesn't mean much then!</p>

<p>Yeah, I got one too- and I HATE math. Seems like they were a little off with who they sent it to. XD</p>