Wisconsin or Michigan?

<p>I just got my acceptance form Wisconsin last night, and was thrilled because UW has been my top choice. It was a bittersweet kind of moment though, because I live in Michigan, and OOS tuition is going to run me about $60,000 more over the next four years than if I attended an instate university - namely, UM. </p>

<p>I prefer UW because of the campus, atmosphere, and relaxed students (academics are equal as far as i'm concerned), but is there really any justification for me attending when UM is so much cheaper?</p>

<p>Not in my book, but congrats anyway.</p>

<p>I would also say Michigan is the better choice if you have instate tuition there. Ann Arbor is a BIG place… you can find students of your type and any atmosphere you want to. I say this as someone who went to college at Michigan, but live in a state with reciprocity with Wisconsin (so would have in state tuition there now). One of my kids applied to both schools as well (in at Wisconsin, wait listed at Michigan).</p>

<p>I would go to UM.</p>

<p>Save your money- do not take out any loans or otherwise strain the family budget just to come to Wisconsin. Both are equally good and you will enjoy either one. Of course if you and your parents have the extra money go ahead and come- cheaper than most private schools without aid.</p>



<p>Agree, instate option all the way. Save the money for grad school/professional school. Ann Arbor is a great college town, and Michigan is an incredible school. Maybe UW is a less intense academically – my son sure loves the work hard, play hard atmosphere at UW, but you can find people who share your values and interests at either school.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input. Looks like i’ll be headed to A2 if I get that acceptance letter in december.</p>

<p>OP, although most all of us on here have a real affinity for UW-Madison & all it has provided for our kids, the status of the economy now as opposed to maybe 8-10 years ago forces me to advise you the same way. That extra sixty grand in your folks’ pocket is huge in the grand scheme of things.</p>

<p>Good luck on your acceptance to UM-Ann Arbor.</p>

<p>I hate Michigan. Can’t stand the Maize and Blue. I hope the Wolvies never win another game!</p>

<p>But if that’s your choice, go to Michigan. Like UW it’s a great University in a great college town. (Of course, feel free to cheer for the Badgers while you’re there. :wink: )</p>

<p>By the way, my son happens to be applying for a doctoral program in Ann Arbor right now. I assented when he promised me that he’ll still wear red to UM-UW games.</p>