Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD)

<p>I would really appreciate any advice/info on the Wisconsin Union Directorate. I looked around on their webpage, and it shows 10-11 student organizations. The two I am interested in are Politics and Society, and Film. Does anyone know anything about either of these groups or how active these student organizations are? I'll be a Freshman in the fall and want to join some organizations. </p>


<p>There are 731 registered student organizations. Here are some links:</p>

<p>[RSO</a> Directory](<a href=“Search Results for “default.asp]RSO” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison”>Search Results for “default.asp” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison)</p>

<p>[Center</a> for Leadership and Involvement](<a href=“http://www.cfli.wisc.edu/]Center”>http://www.cfli.wisc.edu/)</p>

<p>It’s been a long time, but friends were on the WUD brining bands to campus and loved it.</p>